I am not by any ways defending Nosler here. Nosler indeed test all the BCs at the facility in Bend. The BCs will change due to this. I believe many people jump on the band wagon and just keep printing on forums what they have heard with out real world testing and with formulas that others have come up with. These formulas are accurate to a mathematical degree, this is on a piece of paper or a computer. One must understand the slightest change In bullet shape, any where on the bullet will change the bullet BC considerably. Is this not why we purchase bullet runout and comparator tools? Some barrels are 3 groove, 4 groove, 5r. polygona. different twist rates, and even different diameters, tight vs loose, chamber sizes throats, ETC! This all changes the shape of a bullet and therefore BCs from one rifle to another. Now add in the altitude factor. Then take different people that actually do get off the couch and the internet shoot and run different equations to their "educated" way of getting a "TRUE" BC. Since they found a equation on the internet and loaded the round with "THEIR" secret recipie and shot it through "THEIR" chronograph, measured what the bullet did in "THEIR" rifle and put a lot of work, money and time in it, then it has to be correct. More correct than people with much better equipment and experience! Ya Noslers could be off a little and downgraded on the internet due to people that just agree with out understanding. Many organizations have found the BCs of Nosler to be true. Best of The West is just one of many.