New 8.6 Blackout Build


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2015
Minnesota, USA
I have begun my search for components for a new 8.6 Blackout build and am looking for recommendations for a barrel blank, 1 in 3 twist, 16" MTU, M24, heavy Palma contour etc. (weight of this barrel will not be a concern.) Can you recommend a barrel mfgr that makes blanks for these rough parameters? I'm also in search of a reputable gunsmith with history of machining bolt action builds in this caliber. I will be shooting this rifle suppressed (have a TBAC 338 Ultra I expect to get out of jail soon.) I will also be reloading for this caliber. Primary use will be shooting off a bipod w/rear bag with a high degree of accuracy in mind. Suggestions?

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