Never Spoil your Bird Dog!

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Had to put the old girl down a couple weeks ago……the hard part of having dogs. She was probably the best hunter I've ever had… absolute predator…..she's missed greatly.
Truly sorry to hear that. After my last, I haven't had the guts to get another. Just too hard to lose them.
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Had to put the old girl down a couple weeks ago……the hard part of having dogs. She was probably the best hunter I've ever had… absolute predator…..she's missed greatly.
I'm really sorry. Every time I've had to go through this I lost a bit of my heart and soul. Time will heal all wounds. Take care.
Hey, everyone of them certainly does take a piece of your heart. Definitely the hardest part of having dogs, but I can't imagine my life without them.
Take Care
This plaque seems to say it all:
It's funny that they will hang their heads out a moving vehicle but it really irritates them to blow in their face. 🤷🏿‍♂️
I never feed the dog part of the game while hunting, though. Can lead to some misplaced expectations. ;) I always shared while cleaning, though. Hot days, I'd also try to bring a cold watermelon for the dogs. All of mine have loved watermelon. ;)
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Had to put the old girl down a couple weeks ago……the hard part of having dogs. She was probably the best hunter I've ever had… absolute predator…..she's missed greatly.
Sorry to hear, just had to do the same thing . Annie was more than a great bird dog she was my best friend 😢
I'm guilty of breaking the big milk bones in half. My wife believes in rewarding the dog if he simply looks at her with soulful eyes. No wonder he's getting fat. He's got her pegged.
I do the same . Give them half a biscuit and a baby carrot after morning and evening meal. If you don't they will follow you around and stare at you.
A friend complained that he had to watch his bird dogs just watching rabbits eating his garden. HIs dogs were trained not to chase rabbits. Would be a distraction when hunting birds.
My dog was trained to not chase bunnies but she figured it out that she wouldn't get in trouble if they were in the yard.
I could always tell when she was trailing a bunny when hunting and would just tell her NO BUNNIES and she would stop… usually but I always have the e collar on when hunting for back up.