Never Spoil your Bird Dog!

Allen, I always wanted a dog big enough to pack out deer, etc.. Then came lamas. I think I'd rather have a big dog than a lama. The have canine teeth. Protective and smart. No offense to lama , I think that has two L's 🤔. A buddy of mine uses goats to pack in and out...
Too many animals to care for.
A great Dane or French Mastiff would do me fine. Especially fearless against griz, black bears, wolves, mtn. Lions, coyotes, bobcats, wolverines, Martin's, raccoons, rabid squirrels, pot growers , etc..
Just thinking.... 😉
I like your way of thinking!
Well if nothing else I can always say that I cleanly killed the first bird over my first bird dog with my grandfather's shotgun.


I missed the next one and had to go find it but on the second attempt I killed that one in the air. But like the title says, I can't spoil them with stone dead birds every time, have to make them work for it a bit.

Overall she did very well and even with hot and dry tough scenting conditions she managed to find all 6 birds, even a cripple that hit the ground and ran 60 yards from where it landed. I couldn't be more proud and am thoroughly looking forward to hunting over her more this fall.
