Need help reloading 6.8 western

Old thread but I'm new to the 6.8 as I just recently picked one up on sale at a local store. Browning x bolt western hunter long range. I've only shot 20 rounds through rifle so far. Factory 170 ballistic silvertips as that's all the store had. Loaded up some 175 grain Sierra TGK and wanted to add some info. Per magazine I could only seat them to 2.972 COAL. This gives me 2.345 CBTO which is .080 off the lands. The lands on this rifle are 2.425. Wondering if others are the same or what you guys are seeing? Only reason I ask, I haven't shot the reloads yet, is most Sierra's shoot the best around .020 off lands in my opinion. Being .080 off I'm really curious what I'm going to see but Barnes typically like a good jump so I'm leaning that direction as they may be better suited for this application. Even with them seated to 2.972 COAL they do not eject well if unfired. Tip catches the chamber and gets wedged between bolt and chamber. Not terribly but definitely does it repeatedly. Obviously with a fired round this will no longer be an issue but for a hunting rig I might have to seat even further back. Again, this is only due to the magazine capability and ejecting an unfired round. Anyone have any input on their findings?
Thanks in advance!!