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6.8 Western

Today I found a company that made a pilot for the case trimmer. Thought it was pretty cool for them to do that. Once they had the measurements it only took a couple hours total, and they shipped it.

Two boxes of 165 grain Nosler Accubond Long Range showed up today. More STUFF!! for the collection!!:) C'mon rifle!! Waiting waiting!!!!:) And the pilot for the case trimmer showed up.
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Two boxes of 165 grain Nosler Accubond Long Range showed up today. More STUFF!! for the collection!!:) C'mon rifle!! Waiting waiting!!!!:) And the pilot for the case trimmer showed up.
If you want more of the ABLR 165s in 270...Nosler has blems on sale for $41 a box of 100...

Curious to see how they behave in my 270 Wby @ 3225fps +. I had no idea that they are even making this bullet...
This year they came out with this and the 175 grain for the 6.8 Western. It was talked about on line for the last Shot Show. There will be others made this year as more will jump in making ammo and reloading pieces.
A new Rural King opens close to here not long ago. They had 20 boxes of 6.8 Western ammo on the shelf. I have seen some reloading components around too. If there were rifles available, I think I would buy one.
To get one a person would have to special order one which I have done. I was one of the first to do so. The release date for the 6,8 Western is late into the 3rd quarter this year. My rifle should be done in the May to June timeline. I also have a two die set on order and have a case of ammo.
Where did you order your die set from?
From Graf and Sons you will have to tell them you want the 6.8 Western die set from Redding and there is no part number I think they use 8000 for a part number ( per Redding) it took them a couple times so make sure they don't try to sell you one for the 6.8 spc. Redding was a year behind on everything they sell and that was from one of the big wigs and that was three months ago. They had some for R&D but gave those all away during that time so they know how to make em and have the design already and these are supposed to be one of the best out there. Good luck.
From Graf and Sons you will have to tell them you want the 6.8 Western die set from Redding and there is no part number I think they use 8000 for a part number ( per Redding) it took them a couple times so make sure they don't try to sell you one for the 6.8 spc. Redding was a year behind on everything they sell and that was from one of the big wigs and that was three months ago. They had some for R&D but gave those all away during that time so they know how to make em and have the design already and these are supposed to be one of the best out there. Good luck.
What time frame did they give you if you don't mind me asking
^^^Should be in the 7 months give or take??? I also purchased the pilot or bushing for the case trimmer from Little Crow Gun Works. They put the dimensions in their system and had it made it a few hours. The only thing I think I'm missing is the die set now because I have everything else including three different kinds of powder to mess with if I wanted to. Thinking I will probably sell all that stuff and just shoot the factory ammo. There will also be other weights of bullets coming out this year too. I am thinking the 165 and 175 will be good for me along with what ever else they come out with.
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