Need boots , what do you wear

My Mucks were damp from yesterday hunt, so I decided to try my old Lacrosses, I quit wearing them because they were hard to get on and off, I was trying to take them off and pulled something in my thigh, snap crackle pop. What do you all wear for cold weather, 15 to 30 degrees usually trims warmer during the day. Thanks for your suggestions.
The right boot for the job
We have bought a lot of Danner Boots in the past. Danner had a program at one time where you joined to be a "Danner" member and could have access to their "Blems". We bought their so called Blems (never saw any difference) and got them from 50 to 80% reduction. we have at least a dozen pairs in different models.
Every time we hunted the next time we put another pair on. Also we got a "Boot Dryer". It makes a BIG difference putting on "DRY boots. Your feet sweat so more moister from the inside than outside.
Personally, I'm a big fan of Merrell and Rocky. It really all comes down to fit, though, and that's going to be different for everybody. I'd recommend heading to a store to try some different boots on and just see what feels good on your feet without worrying too much about the brand.
I never have owned a boot dryer. If you get them wet, leave some dry newspapers crumpled up inside them overnight and they should dry right out.
If you want another pair of knee high boots, look at Aigle out of France. I don't have their insulated ones but the regular hunting anti-fatigue ones I have are really well made. Took something like two days to get to California with free air shipping. I looked at the domestic brands (LaCrosse and Muck) and everything seems to be slipping quality wise as of late.®-2-iso-8421_kaki.html
Might have to try a pair of those. Thanks.
The guy who owned muck boots sold it and started a new company. Regardless, I've owned most of the boots mentioned in this thread, and theres a real difference between these and the rest. None are bad, really, just not warm for extended periods like these.
I quit wearing rubber boots years ago and will never go back.. Lowa Tibet gtx for me, I just get creative with creek crossings, if it's super cold and wet Schnees Hunter 2 boots are tough too beat.
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