Well-Known Member
Would you recommend the SX3 for Junior shooters doing skeet?
I have been looking around the past couple weeks for a new auto loading shotgun and have come across a few that catch my eye. The Browning Maxus is one, the Bretta Extreme II is another and my favorite so far is the Benelli Super Black Eagle II. This will be my first auto loading shotgun and would love some advice.
I would go with a Beretta AL391 Xtrema 2 or a SBE 2/3 if 3.4" matters. If not you can't go wrong with a M2. I have had the best luck with these as far as autoloading shotguns.
The Browning Maxus that I have had personal experience with have had a lot of problems. Three of the guys I hunt with had to send them back multiple times. One of which browning kept it longer than he had it in the two seasons. This could have been a fluke but when I went to purchase a 3.5 I ended up getting the SBE2. I have since purchased a Xtrema 2 as well and both are great guns.
It's funny how some threads never die.
It's funny you have said this cause I've owned 2 maxus and my boss has one and they are some of the best shotguns I've ever handled or shot. My brother has a sx3 and sx4 and they are both incredible too. I've owned the super vinci and love it as well but sadly had to let her go