[QUOTETo throw in an extreme example, my 6.5wssm has -no more than- .0005" clearance anywhere, right from the git go. So my brass with over 20 reloads still measures exactly the same as first fireformed to. I did not even touch the brass with a die until it's 8th reload!
IMO, .0005 per side clearance on a loaded round is much too close. This will create varying pressures and thus poor accuracy. Clearance of .001 each side works fine.
The K&M neck tulrning tools are also very good. I buy one and dedicate it to that rifle, and never change the setting.
IMO, .0005 per side clearance on a loaded round is much too close. This will create varying pressures and thus poor accuracy. Clearance of .001 each side works fine.
The K&M neck tulrning tools are also very good. I buy one and dedicate it to that rifle, and never change the setting.