Best Neck Turning Tool

It appears I may have to dive into neck turning quicker than I had here to planned and have been researching turner systems....

Still not sure which makes most sense but K&M just came out with an expanded sized holder for their micro turner.

I still like the round holder mentioned in the thread done by Joel Pendergraft.

Should someone want to contact Joel Pendergraft, i saw his contact info somewhere in my surfing, so for ease of those reading this thread it is: joelpend@bellsouth (add .net) or at least it was at some point:)

The one major thing the K&M does over the Sinclair is it also removes the doughnut. It also makes fine adjustments very well. Is it the last word? I doubt it. Can the Sinclair neck tools work well? Yes they can with some rework (by the way I like the older ones best).
Doughnuts have been headed off for decades, by turning into the shoulder and fireforming. So reaming is a solution to a problem already taken care of with any normal turn.

Also, turning is not to reduce eccentricity, but to produce a set thickness. For this operation you absolutely cannot bind brass, but float it around a proper fitted mandrel.
Again, fireforming finishes this brass prep(completes the action for desired result).

Aldon, you won't find a 'better' turning SYSTEM than Sinclair offers in NT-4xxx
Sinclair Search : Reloading Equipment : Case Preparation : Neck Turning : Neck Turning Tools -
Their mandrel system would also apply to reduce the runout problems you've encountered, even without turning.
I read a post that mentioned that the Mandrel Die by K&M would not fit the Co-Ax as well.

I am about ready to pull the trigger on the Sinclair but alas.....they seem to have a market with no stock to sell:)
So does the K&M Mandrel Die fit the Forster Co-Ax?

I like the round add on holder that is available from Joel to hold the turner.....

I like the idea of the Turning Mandrel also having the reamer.

And they appear to be available.

So I would pull the trigger tonight on the K&M if the Mandrel dies will work on Co-Ax press.
I don't currently own a Forster Co-Ax, used to but sold it. I see no reason why the mandrel die won't work on a Co-Ax. It takes a die ring just like any other die and can be adjusted for height just like any other die. I use mine on a Lee Classic Cast or Redding Ultramag.
So does the K&M Mandrel Die fit the Forster Co-Ax?​

I like the round add on holder that is available from Joel to hold the turner.....​

I like the idea of the Turning Mandrel also having the reamer.​

And they appear to be available.​

So I would pull the trigger tonight on the K&M if the Mandrel dies will work on Co-Ax press.​

I'm assuming your refering to the expander die that Sinclair sells. I don't own one, but have built a dozen or so over the years for buddies of mine. All you need is a piece of 7/8th's fine thread allthread (use the gold grade eight stuff). Bore it to fit whatever mandrel you want, and then counter bore it for clearence on the neck. You'll also need a 10-32 set screw hole in the side. Most of the ones I built used the standard locators you can buy out of a catalog, and were polished to the correct size needed. But on the otherhand you can buy over sized expanders from Forster, and do the samething in their dies.
Trigger pulled on K&M.

Will get set of Mandrels from Sinclair or Forster for general sizing duties.

I ordered the K&M mandrels to dedicate to the Neck Turning setup.
I use the carbide cutter mandrels too. A bit pricey but it's a one time investment that pays dividends every time you use it.

I should add they are very useful if you are re-forming cases from something to something else (example 221 Fireball from 223 Remington) otherwise a standard mandrel will work just fine.
I got the Carbide cutters in the calibers I shoot the most and the standard type for the others that I will likely not shoot enough to warrant worry over doughnut.
I posted on another thread by mistake, feedback on K&M.

I received shipment within 2 days of order.

Good customer service and responsiveness.
As a follow up as to compatibility of the K&M turning system and the Co-ax, having received it and done the initial set up I believe the only reason one might not find it compatible is that the Expanding Arbor on K&M comes with a long screw to act as a stop so that the brass is not driven too far onto mandrel and destroyed. The screw bumps the inside base to feedback to stop the lever.

I have no problem with expanding the necks without the stop and visually determining the appropriate movement for press.

All in all having turned some brass for practice, I really like the set up.
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