Neck Turning Brass

Thanks Gene for the info and heads up.

BB... what can I say. Thanks you very much for your very descriptive and informative pictures and explanation. Hopefully many others besides me will benefit from your mentoring and patience.

Bless you sir.

Thanks Gene for the info and heads up.

BB... what can I say. Thanks you very much for your very descriptive and informative pictures and explanation. Hopefully many others besides me will benefit from your mentoring and patience.

Bless you sir.


Your welcome mate. The volume loaders will not be interested in this system but the low volume reloader can do it quite easy for a bolt action rifle.
I have done it for so long I can put the washer on the case before it goes in the shell holder and mainly with one hand.
I also have bushing neck size dies and they don't require a washer and have easy length adjustment but I like the collet dies push in action better for a factory chamber . For a tight neck chamber I use bushing dies .
I just finished two years of mentoring a guy in El Paso Texas .
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