I've seen what they have done in Texas, but not Mississipi. My experience with wolves comes from having hunted the Northern Yellowstone elk herd from the mid 90s until now. When the wolves were reintroduced it was all doom and gloom and much of the same rhetoric I see here. The reality I have seen is that the elk herd actually got bigger, albeit more dispersed. The wolves certainly didn't eat every elk in the countryside. They do kill them, and they definitely disperse them. But it's not like I have not seen any elk. I actually see elk in more places than I used to, especially more on public land...go figure. While a lot of folks argue the wolves that were reintroduced were a different species, they are still wolves and were here way before we were. The trick is finding the balance that we fit into in the whole thing. Machine gunning them out of a chopper hardly qualifies as a viable solution and just gives idiot anti hunters more fuel for their fires...