My first 3 shots of the year - archery range

Oh yeah I still got it a little high and right at 40 yards but a good group arrows touching and right on the money at 50 yards another good group and the last photo is where I was standing 50 yards from the target
Last year was my first year hunting in Utah. I grew up hunting in Illinois. I focused on elk all summer and got used to putting a few arrows in a 6 inch circle at 60 yards. I shot a bull at 47 yards very easily... They're HUGE targets compared to deer and relatively slow on reflexes. Moved on to muley hunting in November and I gave one a haircut from 40 yards. I never would have shot at a whitetail from 40. It turns out that muleys are as quick as whitetail!
Archery is my preferred form of hunting, just so much fun to get in close and drawback. Its archery season now and I have been hearing all the stories from my buddies. With coaching football, work, 2 young babies and a 5 hour drive back home to hunt I just haven't made down. I am jealous of y'all that are getting out this season, its so much fun.
Whether you hunt with a bow or a rifle it is the same feeling that draws you in for exactly the opposite reason with a bow it's how close you can get with a rifle it's how far away you can be and still do it
I have been wanting to get my slug gun out for an elk hunt. I used to use lightfield hybred exp sabots on deer and man would it flatten them.

I truly wish I had a 3 1/2" chamber barrel for my slug gun. I can't imagine shooting an elk with the Commander IDS slug load shown in the second picture. Someone needs to do the recoil calculation on that!!!!


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I practice year around with my bow because I always have around 2 archery hunts in New Mexico and 1 in Arizona. I practice out to 90 yards and in. I shoot with whatever conditions Mother Nature throws at me as far as wind goes. It's amazing what a 5 mph crosswind will do to your arrow at 90 yards.

I will shoot two shots at 90, move to 80 and shoot two shots all the way down to 20 yards. Furtherest I have killed an elk is 81 yards but it was bedded and not moving so I had plenty of time to get super steady and a good trigger pull on the release. Mule deer at 70 yards but after that, they have all been 40 and under.

Good shooting guys!
Love the thread. Headed out west for archery elk soon. Relatively unprepared but going with a best friend who is combo of Bear Gryles and Cameron Haynes. Gonna be fun no matter the result. Best of luck to all this fall.


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Camping now. Wife and I shot yesterday. I've shot archery since I was a little kid on the farm and got into comp pretty seriously for a while. I don't shoot like I should but I still can put the hammer down when the time comes. I started at 40 and this was the first 2. Been shooting 50 since and most are within 2" of each other but more importantly, they where they should be. Yay. Elk hunting next week.


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Good shooting! Archery opens today here and I'm all set to go except we lost our babysitter last minute :/
Wife gets off work this afternoon so I miss opening morning but I'll be out soon.
Going to breakout the Hoyt Carbon element later today and take my first shots of the year I will post pics Hope I can even hit the target in this wind
That's it Bill....get all the excuses out and upfront now! I understand most Archery targets are firmly planted in the ground! No way to have the wind at your back or directly in your face....unuh!
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