My dang kid is showing me up!

Thanks everyone. I am very proud of him. He already has two cow elk under his belt (1 at 9 years old and the other at 10 years old) so he has been supplying the meat for us.

He has a youth deer hunt this year where he can shoot either a coues deer or a mule deer so he is very excited about that. Will be his first deer hunt ever.
You in AZ? What Jr. hunt?
Right...the young eyes...I'm not old but that's what I'll go with to explain why I can't do eyes are 3 times older!
I will 7x his age in couple weeks so I would definitely take that excuse for myself! But no doubt he "has it" for hand eye coordination and lots of desire to go with it. Really nice that you have taken the time and I know it had to be patience to teach a very difficult ability to your young man! He has to have the will and motivation to learn as well and that is good on you.

Awesome job and hope you have told him how impressed we all are on his ability to shoot so far!

BTW - I would be proud to have him as my designated shooter!!
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Took my 10 year old son out shooting this morning and I'm pretty dang sure that he has surpassed me in the shooting department ;). He has never shot to 1000 yards before so I decided since it was his rifle(7mm Sherman MAX) that I would let him verify the drop at 1000 yards. Set up the steel and went back and ranged it and it read out at 1003 yards. We have not shot to 1000 with this rifle yet sowe needed to verify the drop first. The kestrel showed 22.5 MOA of elevation was needed. The wind was blowing at 2mph from our 6 o clock which made it really nice! He got down prone and got set up and let one fly. It was about a half minute low but dead on for wind. I then explained to him what we needed to do and had him move a 1/2 minute up. He got back down and hit one dead center. He then proceeded to hit the 10" circle 3 more times for his 4 shot group at 1003 yards. I'm pretty sure he has or is about to surpass me. Couldn't be happier for him!

GREAT shooting , Young Man !!!!!
Actually IMO, sight picture and trigger control is as difficult or more than just applied ballistics. ANYBODY can range, calculate drop and wind with tools on market today. Hand eye coordination, controlled breathing, muscle relaxation and trigger control is not easy for most people to master at that range or any range for that matter.
Just remember. You did the hard part:

the rest is nothing more than :
Sight Picture
Trigger Control

Now teach him how to do the first 3 :)

I explain it all to him and let him turn the turrets. He doesn't quite get all of it but with any kid, as they mature with age so does their understanding of things. So when I talk him through it, I see it as a memory storage bank. It will all come together in a year or two.
Young man has skills, good for you teaching him, you to should have a lot of fun years of hunting/shooting together.
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