I have similar experience with Witt Machine brakes. I blew my first one (.300WinMag) off at my range (read as; farm field) and didn't realize it until I got home. I was doing drop testing (300, 500, 750 and 1000yds) and it was my last shot. It was easy enough to find and was only 30-40yds from my shooting position. In all fairness and defense to Witt; if I had installed it as the instruction said, with blue locktite, this would not have happened.
I took it off to clean it and figured "what the heck, I think it'll be fine without LT', nope, my bad as they say. I re-installed it properly and never had anymore problems. I shot that WinMag barrel out and ordered another Witt brake for the Pac-Nor barrel that I put on. Installed properly or course, no problems.
That original brake, I install on a Rem 700P in 7mmRM. It was a tight fit on the barrel, so I didn't use LT again. First shot at my 100yd range, off it came. Installed right, no problems. In fact it has made the 700P quiet enjoyable to shoot! I shot some 160gn old school Partitions in it Sunday w/max Retumbo load and recoil was diminished to about the .243 level. Very pleased with their products.
I'm trying to get the wife or son to order me another as a Christmas gift for my 270Win. No, that doesn't kick too terrible but I like 'em.
The Pac-Nor barrel ws chambered with the 215gn Berger in mind but I run the 212gn ELD-X's in it at 3070ish and have had great results on whitetails. I really wanted to try the 225gn ELD-M but I came across a good deal on the 212's and bought 5 boxes cheap.
I have similar experience with Witt Machine brakes. I blew my first one (.300WinMag) off at my range (read as; farm field) and didn't realize it until I got home. I was doing drop testing (300, 500, 750 and 1000yds) and it was my last shot. It was easy enough to find and was only 30-40yds from my shooting position. In all fairness and defense to Witt; if I had installed it as the instruction said, with blue locktite, this would not have happened.
I took it off to clean it and figured "what the heck, I think it'll be fine without LT', nope, my bad as they say. I re-installed it properly and never had anymore problems. I shot that WinMag barrel out and ordered another Witt brake for the Pac-Nor barrel that I put on. Installed properly or course, no problems.
That original brake, I install on a Rem 700P in 7mmRM. It was a tight fit on the barrel, so I didn't use LT again. First shot at my 100yd range, off it came. Installed right, no problems. In fact it has made the 700P quiet enjoyable to shoot! I shot some 160gn old school Partitions in it Sunday w/max Retumbo load and recoil was diminished to about the .243 level. Very pleased with their products.
I'm trying to get the wife or son to order me another as a Christmas gift for my 270Win. No, that doesn't kick too terrible but I like 'em.
The Pac-Nor barrel ws chambered with the 215gn Berger in mind but I run the 212gn ELD-X's in it at 3070ish and have had great results on whitetails. I really wanted to try the 225gn ELD-M but I came across a good deal on the 212's and bought 5 boxes cheap.
Yep, it's Witt, not "Whitt"! Don't know what the "h" I was thinking. Bad pun intended. And, yes, blue locktite is needed. Best to all! MT GEEZER
I recovered the Ebay brake after @johnnyk Mentioned his went 30-40 yards. It was about 25 yards, it bounced off to the left under a brush pile. Im going to do a video with it and without and then I'll sell this one.
You didn't hear they castigated Kyle for wearing one of their shirts? All the vets I know dumped Black Rifle Company coffee.
Did my first load test. 225 ELD-M with 86.2 grains of RL25. 2848 fps average, but the ES was 90 fps. My goal of 2800 fps wasn't hard to hit. Time to step on the gas.
You can get 3000 and not hit pressure. Welcome to the RUM. It is an amazing round just have to have faith in it and let it do the work.
I set the scope up with Remington factory ammo with 180 Sirocco. Ignore the tape everywhere, yesterday I had an issue with the scope moving in the rings. I had to lap the rings to get it to stay put. This is shooting with no brake, and the stock trigger. Target is last 4 rounds from the box. 20201213_142845_copy_1209x1209.jpg
No brake and heavy bullets isn't how I spell fun.
I've shot my 10 lb .375 Ruger 20+ times from the bench, and have no issues at all. So after that, this 13.1 lb .300 RUM isn't bad at all.

A Ruger Compact .308 with the plastic butt plate hurts WAY more. I had a 7 RM Savage 111 package gun that beat the snot out of me too.
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All this ice on the ground prevents me for shooting. But I found the lands with the Barnes 200 grain LRX. 3.801" , so I've loaded up five rounds at 3.749". Three are 89 grains of RL25, then two for pressure checking at 89.3 and 89.5.

Not really exciting news, but keeping my topic alive lol
I love it. I have almost the exact same rifle. Rem 700 LR, 300 RUM, Athlon Helos in a Game Reaper 20MOA mount, TriggerTech Primary.

I got my barrel threaded before I even shot the first round. Part of that was the barrel had to come off to get the chamber set back before I could shoot it - wouldn't chamber anything out of the box. Mine has TBAC brake on it for a suppressor mount, it's pretty snappy still but that's not a terribly effective brake.
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