But i have more faith in threaded breaks over the long haul.
I would as well. Who wouldn't?

My wife ordered the Whitt brake, because she felt bad that my other one probably hasn't stopped moving yet lol
Your RUM really needs a 5 port brake. It has very high muzzle pressure with a 26" barrel. It will have to be threaded.
Here is the Whitt Machine brake.

Screenshot_20201130-215142_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20201130-215154_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20201130-215206_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20201130-215218_Samsung Internet.jpg
Did you measure the barrel?

I have one very similar to the one you launched. I had to measure the muzzle and about a half inch down.

If you are not looking to thread it, send me your measurements for that and I will re-measure my barrel the same.
May be worth the shipping. I am not going to use it anymore. Worked fine on my RUM. The Witt only clamps on the bottom. Just didn't feel right to me.

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Did you measure the barrel?

I have one very similar to the one you launched. I had to measure the muzzle and about a half inch down.

If you are not looking to thread it, send me your measurements for that and I will re-measure my barrel the same.
May be worth the shipping. I am not going to use it anymore. Worked fine on my RUM. The Witt only clamps on the bottom. Just didn't feel right to me.

View attachment 229364
Mine is .815" at the muzzle and .825" at 1.5" back. Had to measure for the Whitt. The one in your picture looks almost identical, except yours has three ports. It locked on just like yours. After launch, there is like a 5/16" wide strip on top and on bottom where took the costing off.
Yours would be too small then. Not enough bite to stay on. It did well for me. Took it on and off a few times.

Oh well good luck with yours!
That is a velocity banded BC value, take Sierra for example;
Ballistic Coefficients and Velocity Ranges.800 @1880 fps and above .780 between 1600 and 1880 fps .740 @ 1600 and below

I wonder why so many people shoot the low BC Berger 230's.
Seems like faster speeds would make the BC lower, as it has more resistance. Am I looking at it backwards?

You shoot the 230 in a 1:10 ?
Seems like faster speeds would make the BC lower, as it has more resistance. Am I looking at it backwards?

You shoot the 230 in a 1:10 ?
I would as well. Who wouldn't?

My wife ordered the Whitt brake, because she felt bad that my other one probably hasn't stopped moving yet lol

Here is the Whitt Machine brake.

View attachment 229308View attachment 229309View attachment 229310View attachment 229311
+1 on the
I would as well. Who wouldn't?

My wife ordered the Whitt brake, because she felt bad that my other one probably hasn't stopped moving yet lol

Here is the Whitt Machine brake.

View attachment 229308View attachment 229309View attachment 229310View attachment 229311
+1 on the Whitt brake for a barrel you don't want to thread. I have the same brake on my Win. Mag. (pencil barrel and I don't think it has enough meat to thread or I AM A BUDGET MINDED FELLOW), and it really works as advertised. Mine has never come loose although I did once take it off for a couple weeks. My eyebrow and scope got re-united rather quickly so I put the Whitt right back on and no problems. Whitt Machine, IIRC, started, owned, and ran by a brother Vet. Another plus for me! Best of all things to you,Sir, and your considerate wife! MT GEEZER
+1 on the

+1 on the Whitt brake for a barrel you don't want to thread. I have the same brake on my Win. Mag. (pencil barrel and I don't think it has enough meat to thread or I AM A BUDGET MINDED FELLOW), and it really works as advertised. Mine has never come loose although I did once take it off for a couple weeks. My eyebrow and scope got re-united rather quickly so I put the Whitt right back on and no problems. Whitt Machine, IIRC, started, owned, and ran by a brother Vet. Another plus for me! Best of all things to you,Sir, and your considerate wife! MT GEEZER
I like dealing with Vet owned companies. Thats why I drink Black Rifle Coffee Company products, and order Defender Ammunition. Also Defender is local to me.
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