Muzzleloading Accident…in your favour?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Saskatchewan, Canada
I know a guy who formerly went to my church (it closed since)..,he had a freak experience about 2 decades ago I think, in my which a muzzleloader totally exploded in his hands. Blood everywhere. It's amazing his eyes weren't damaged, but they had to remove a chuck of steel that was EMBEDDED IN HIS FOREHEAD right into the skull - amazing he lived, time just wasn't up yet. Pieces of the gun were everywhere. He's basically deaf in one of his ears…says it sounds like whooshing, like the ocean, or like if you put a seashell to your ear that kind of sound all the time. Apparently they hadn't pushed the bullet down far enough and had a detonation type event, that's what he thinks anyways.

Now you may wonder why the heck this is in humour, there's nothing funny about this, that's some scary 💩 right there….

The funny part is this: life gave him lemons 🍋. He made lemonade! Quote from this gent:

"Yeah my wife…you know what she's like, she's pretty chatty…just goes on and on and on you know…so now it's handy, when I'm ready to get some peace and quiet and go to sleep I just put my good ear to the pillow and let her talk to her hearts content" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

The man is a legend in my books, some real wisdom there! 😄