90 degree ports do not always have less blast on the shooter. Each combo is a little different. I think its mostly to do with muzzle pressure. Higher muzzle pressure equals more concussion, its that simple. I have went to 90 degree brakes for a while to try and tame that down, and now am back to the effective brakes because I found in many cases those 90 degree brakes were as bad or worse. The nastiest one I have done lately was a simple radial hole brake, but a little shorter barrel than normal. Buy a Beast brake or a terminator. The most effective brakes out there, I have yet to try one in that class. The beast has some down force, so in a lighter rifle I like them to help jump on the bipod. The terminator does a very good job of removing any excess material, they are as light as many of the ti offerings without the ti issues.
Ti issues? Like what?