regardless of whose brake you pick, I would stay with the side discharge type, they are more effective, in recoil reduction, than the vias/radial type of brakes.
Currently the Muscle brakes are dealer ordered with about 10-12 highly regarded gunsmiths around the country, they all chose to try the brake before committing to volume orders. I think what separates the Muscle brake is the friendliness to the shooter.
I make 9 different sizes and profiles to match the cartridge used and the application.
soon I will have my 10th style Muscle brake available in about 3 weeks. This brake is designed to work with large cartridges in factory contour barrels. This was a gap i was missing due to the reduced thread size needed for the factory contours.
basically it is a 9/16x24 tpi similar to the mini muscle in size and width, but with wider/larger ports to effectively disperse enough gas in the magnum factory barrels.