Mueller 40x56 was a big disappointment....

Wide Glide

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
Not sure how these scopes get so many raving reviews. I just got around to mounting one I bought a month ago for load testing So i could leave my sightron 36x on my fav 223 and its been a nightmare. Ive tried 3 different flavors of mounts and 2 rifles and the problem is still there. Getting it anywhere near zeroed was a nightmare because what are supposed to be 1/8 moa clicks randomly make 1/4-1/2 moa adjustments per click. Then once you finally get a few holes near the POA and start to shoot a group the first 2-4 will be nice and tight like i know those rifles usually shoot but then the next couple will end up forming another small group but be 2-5 inches away from the first Group. Same result no matter which mount or rifle was used. Ive bought tons of scopes from $100-$600 and this is the first time ive ever had a dud like this.

As if the poor performance wasnt bad enough when i finally gave up and cjecked muellers site where I ordered it from i see they dont offer refunds after its been mounted and any sort of mark left by the rings on the body voids their warranty. After trying 3 different mounts To verify the issue im sure i have a scuff or two without even looking.

Its my own stupidity for being cheap but it still burns. You know what they say... " you get what you pay for..." and its rarely wrong. Good news is it was .223 ammo i wasted and not my 338 or id have wasted more money testing it than i paid for it

Rant over

I really wish swfa would put out a 36-40x variant of their super sniper line. Ive owned about 10 swfa scopes and trust them fully. A 40x With fine mil quad reticle Is the stuff dreams are made of.

even athlon with a similar price/quality ratio to their argos btr line of scopes Would be great. Ive been pretty impressed with those lately.
Not sure how these scopes get so many raving reviews. I just got around to mounting one I bought a month ago for load testing So i could leave my sightron 36x on my fav 223 and its been a nightmare. Ive tried 3 different flavors of mounts and 2 rifles and the problem is still there. Getting it anywhere near zeroed was a nightmare because what are supposed to be 1/8 moa clicks randomly make 1/4-1/2 moa adjustments per click. Then once you finally get a few holes near the POA and start to shoot a group the first 2-4 will be nice and tight like i know those rifles usually shoot but then the next couple will end up forming another small group but be 2-5 inches away from the first Group. Same result no matter which mount or rifle was used. Ive bought tons of scopes from $100-$600 and this is the first time ive ever had a dud like this.

As if the poor performance wasnt bad enough when i finally gave up and cjecked muellers site where I ordered it from i see they dont offer refunds after its been mounted and any sort of mark left by the rings on the body voids their warranty. After trying 3 different mounts To verify the issue im sure i have a scuff or two without even looking.

Its my own stupidity for being cheap but it still burns. You know what they say... " you get what you pay for..." and its rarely wrong. Good news is it was .223 ammo i wasted and not my 338 or id have wasted more money testing it than i paid for it

Rant over

I really wish swfa would put out a 36-40x variant of their super sniper line. Ive owned about 10 swfa scopes and trust them fully. A 40x With fine mil quad reticle Is the stuff dreams are made of.

even athlon with a similar price/quality ratio to their argos btr line of scopes Would be great. Ive been pretty impressed with those lately.
Fudds and people who don't use their equipment past 200yds, and think it's normal to hit a scope with a screw driver to make it shift adjustment.
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