Muddyboots - Hunttalk - Scammed MY LRH ID

So I just had a member here send me a PM that there is another Muddyboots on Hunttalk using my profile photo and being a possible scammer on their classifieds. I have sent a communication to Hunttalk to shut this person down and informed Len of it as well. So be aware this crap is going on and be protective of your profile etc.

Yes, I am going to try to ID this bozo and take whatever steps I can to make their life miserable If they reside in the US or even CA.

So be aware of your ID and profile may be scammed onto other sites.
When you say U.S. or even CA...are you referring to California?
I just had to get a new credit card as someone bought something from Home Depot with my number.I hate scammers!
So I know how it feels to be scammed and hate it for you buddy.Watch credit card's and bank accounts as scammers don't care who they hurt or how bad they hurt you.I HATE SCAMMERS!
Had to edit:Last year my bank called and asked if I made a 1 dollar debit and I said no so I had to change a lot of account numbers.
The fraud department said to read all of your statements as they often start at 1 or 2 dollars scam and go up from there if not caught.
We had to change account numbers for everything.Ok now but all be careful.
You should really say how you feel about scammers Rooster and not hold so much back!🤣
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