Muddyboots - Hunttalk - Scammed MY LRH ID

The absolute easiest means to protect your cards is to engage immediate text alerts of any dollar amount. I have stopped several fraudulent buys IMMEDIATELY with this in place. I just hope they paid money for my card numbers!😂
Looks like you have been brought up on Rokslide too.
FYI - Lesson or moral of the story is Do Not Assume a profile from one forum is the SAME on another.

Screen names are not just yours and can be innocently same one on another forum or can be a scammed copy of your profile. Do not assume a screen name and their associated ratings makes it OK, do your due diligence every single time.

Be cautious and aware at all times.
We have a pretty tight community. If someone sees an odd appearance on another forum that is not a usual haunt for that person it would be good to call it out or notify the one you know. I myself pretty much only go on here and our Hammer Time forum. What happened to Muddy is one of the reasons that I set up our forum with no sales. Tough deal! You feel like these forums are a safe place. Terrible.

Ya know we used to have a thing called Montana justice. Just saying.
So I have been able to even get a lat/long on his IP address and plugged it in and have actual house, street name address etc. Really nice neighborhood which does not surprise me one bit. I wonder if a really nice note left would get him thinking oops?
I'm only a little over an hour drive. I could be a singing telegram.
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