Wyoming's proposal on controlling wolf numbers isn't over the top. Key word in sentence CONTROLLING. The other options out there are public relations, and pressure release options. SSS may make you feel better for awhile, but even if you were armed with the latest AR type rifle and got the whole pack, their reproductive rates, pack range, and relocation of young for territory, it's not meaningful in the overall scheme of things. The Idaho, and Montana plans ditto. The only real good in these is you don't risk serious criminal penalties for venting your frustration.
The only way you will control (not eradicate) wolves, and maintain their numbers, and location is a combination of trapping, baiting, legalized electronic calling, poison, and aerial gunning.
Some game departments will sell you a unicorn tag if they could get away with it. If you look critically at some units, draw odds and success rates, you're as likely to see a unicorn as anything else. If we were to use what was considered good "management numbers" a decade ago, the game units in the heart of this would be closed for a decade. Easiest to validate this with is check the numbers for Montana's Gardner unit, and Wyoming's Jackson migration hunt. Many more should be on the list, and the consequence would be drastic cuts in Game department budgets. Unless of course you can dupe the general fund it's poachers causing it. Heck they saw the movie don't wolves only eat mice?
Sorry-appeasement does not move the ball 1 inch closer to the goal line. I've pretty well decided to send a deposit for the 2014 season, and do my part to help BC keep their wolf numbers down, maybe if help keep their numbers low they won't COD us another batch.