Well-Known Member
Depends somewhat on which scope (power) and how good's your rangefinder.....
Ditch the range finder it will be your limiting element. Learn to range with your eyes and optics. Civilian Laser Range Finders will let you down freq.!!! Nightforce seems like a bit much for plinking at stones! LOL Seriously though how far can you accurately range a rock or a deer with your range finder and how far can you accurately shoot? How well do you handle mirage because the high you twist that ring the worse it becomes? Once you go past a certain point of magnification you have no choice but to pay for the finest glass money can but if you stay under that point it does not matter as much. It is about like trying to make a case for 4K and 8K resolution standards at 60fps or better or like making the case for uncompressed wav files instead of 320kbps MP3 when only 1 out of 1000 people can reliably tell the difference.
Ok that said I like MOAR far better than the MOAR T. The finer you make the reticle the easier it is to lose it when looking through the scope especially if it is bright out. One the other hand depending on how far away you are shooting and how small the object is "small stones" a fat reticle can obscure what you are trying to see and shoot at. Do not get me started on fine cross hairs with a big dot in the center! LOL I do not own any myself but all my single friends do! LOL
No arguing they are fantastic scopes with great glass for sure! Which do you prefer? How are your eye's? How old are you? Are you diabetic? It all matters. I have a fantastic varmint scope that I hate use. When I was in 35 it was fantastic now that I am 45 it sucks! LOL