Well-Known Member
I have a kestral with Horus ballistics. I have a Leica 1600 B rangefinder as well. Between those two things I've done pretty well however there has to be something more simple than carrying all these objects with me and faster for generating a range card. I'm between getting a rangefinder and bino combination in one unit but then I would need a kestrel for BDC; or do I just get binoculars without a rangefinder and get something like the Sig kilo or gunwerks rangefinder for BDC. Basically I either carry binos by themselves with a rangefinder that does BDC or I carry a Bino that does rangefinding and then I carry a kestrel that does BDC? I guess the question is for long-range shooting, hunting, and also something to where I can compete in the PRS, does the sig kilo do as good as a job as the kestrel when it comes to BDC. I'm hesitant because I find it hard to believe that you can collect the atmospherics as well as a kestrel, am I wrong?