Minimalist load development, What next?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012

I have been starting to do load development on my 28Nosler. I am trying to keep the amount of components that I burn to a minimum since I am using very expensive bullets (hammers), brass, and also for barrel life considerations. The rifle will strictly be used for hunting inside 500 yards so I really do not need the ultra tightest groups. As of right now I have done the 10 shot Satterlee velocity node test with my magnetospeed. I found two nodes so I loaded a few rounds at both nodes and tried some groups. The upper node is giving me a consistent .7MOA group thus far which is pretty much all I need. That being said, I don't mind burning a few more rounds to see if I can tighten it a bit more. Should I try changing seating depth, say .010 on both sides of the current seating depth to see if things get a bit tighter? Should I do a full blown Berger style seating depth test where you try .010 off, .050 off, .090 off and finally .130 off? What are your thoughts? FYI, if I was at an honest .5MOA id not even bother so really just trying to see if I can tighten it up that little bit more. Thanks!
You may want to touch base with Steve at Hammer. From my understanding they are not very seating sensitive. He may have an idea.

I recently did a seating depth teat on a 223 Rem. The difference was pretty awesome. However, I'll rework my full powder charge work up to see where it ends up at the new length as I don't have a chronograph. My test was from .05 off (longest I could go due to short bullet) to .09 off and the group at .05 off was .35 versus .09 off of .99.

You may be able to play with seating at a lower charge weight and then just work a small powder work up to get back to velocity of your .7" high node?

Im a new Reloader, but that is what I would try.

Good luck
If you are shooting on home range just load a few .010 closer or farther and try that if its not better load a few the other way and try it if you have to drive I would load on both sides of were you are at now and give it a whirl
If you are shooting on home range just load a few .010 closer or farther and try that if its not better load a few the other way and try it if you have to drive I would load on both sides of were you are at now and give it a whirl
I do have a home range so I can give this a go. Just wasn't sure if 010 difference would even provide much difference or not really and is only slight differences for competitions shooters.
I do have a home range so I can give this a go. Just wasn't sure if 010 difference would even provide much difference or not really and is only slight differences for competitions shooters.
The hammers I have used all shot great but I could close groups with seating depth changes I always started 20 thou off the lands that way I only had to work one direction and I adjusted by 10 thou some closed up some did not
The hammers I have used all shot great but I could close groups with seating depth changes I always started 20 thou off the lands that way I only had to work one direction and I adjusted by 10 thou some closed up some did not
Did you move them closer to the lands or further or did you try both?
Did you move them closer to the lands or further or did you try both?
I moved further off on most a couple rifles shot great at 20 thou off the rest are 30 thou to 50 thou off I did try closer than 20 thou but it changed nothing on the two rifles
If I was in your shoes, I would probably alter seating depth in .003 to .005 increments to avoid passing by a potential node that might tighten it up the 0.25 moa I was looking for.
Yeah that is what I'd normally do but that would require me burning through a ton of expensive bullets, powder, and more shots on 3$ a piece brass lol.
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