Load development what do I do next?

Look up Dan Newberry's "Optimal Charge Weight" (OCW) method ... it will resolve all your questions and give you PHENOMENAL results!
I have used this method as well and know it works well I'm just trying to see if I can derive at the same answer with a few less shots...though it seems I might end up chasing my tail some.

Basically what I had in mind is to find a node using the 10 shot deal then dissect it further with 3 shot groups. For example let's say it does appear to be a node at 77 grains. I would then load up 3 rounds at 76.7, 3 at 77 and 3 at 77.3 and see what gave me the best group and ES
One of the pro chronos I believe it's called. The white one with the diffusers you shoot through. I know there not the most accurate out there so my actual velocity may be slightly different but I believe it's giving me consistent data and I never get a mis read or a way out in left field reading from it.
I would put more credence in the target then. I would still use the chrono to load develop.

Thanks for all the input guy's. I know I can find super accurate loads with respectable es and sd I just may not be at a level that I can do it in 20 shots or so.
I love shooting for fun and practice to learn my rifle but I get frustrated spending so much time on load development. Guess I gotta step back and know I've mastered the basics before I try taking the short routs.
Learn to enjoy the load development!!!

There is nothing more satisfying then seeing tight little groups after all your hard work, but getting to that point is a challenge, and it makes you think. The challenge is one of my favorite parts of a new rifle .
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