Message from President of Federal

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I just wonder why nobody on the site chimes in and says hey ammo showed up at the LGS today if in fact all this ammo is being made I think at least one or two of us would have seen something granted I dont go looking for ammo but I do stop by the gun stores and visit I have to believe they are building ammo this is the business they are in just wonder were it is going to

The ammo is still out there, it just sells out that fast. I know where I can pick up a few boxes of different handgun or 5.56 ammo right now. If anyone is in the Puget Sound area of WA I can give you the info if you really need it. I also know of a few local shops that have ammo on hand but save some of it to sell with new gun purchases. A lot of the folks buying a new gun right now aren't high volume shooters. Two boxes of ammo is enough to last them a couple of years, or more. These are the folks who panic purchased a gun because they believe that the entire social structure is on the verge of collapse and they suddenly feel like they need to buy a gun. They'll shoot 50 rounds through the gun before stuffing it in a nightstand for a couple of years. These are the same people who rushed out and paid $1200 for a cheap Bushmaster the last time the internet was in a panic about all the ARs getting banned.

There's no giant conspiracy at play here, this is just panic buying in action.
I just wonder why nobody on the site chimes in and says hey ammo showed up at the LGS today if in fact all this ammo is being made I think at least one or two of us would have seen something granted I dont go looking for ammo but I do stop by the gun stores and visit I have to believe they are building ammo this is the business they are in just wonder were it is going to

I have seen some ammo show up at local stores. But it's gone in a hurry when it gets there. There are tens of thousands of stores trying to get it so it's going to be awhile before there is much out there. I have had good luck finding powders locally recently, but had to put some effort to checking around often. Even managed to find fed 215 primers a few weeks ago.
you sound just like the rest of the sheep in the flock. blaming shooters for not having thousands of dollars of disposable income for ammo and supplies.
blah, blah, blah and blah
Those that do not have, always blaming those that have. Vilifying them. Banding together with others to harass, insult, and rip at them with vile claws and mechanisms of deceit. There seems to be no amount of effort some people will not expend, no will power you will not apply, in the vilification of someone that has something you do not. If even 1/100th of that effort were spent accepting responsibility for your own situation and forging a future free from that peril... you would surely never know failure.

If a man does not have the wisdom to learn from the past and chart a way forward for himself and his family that ensures all that is necessary will be provided... then he is not a man at all. You may be able to redirect your shame into anger for a short time, but you will invariably pay the price for being so weak as to offload your burdens onto others. If shooting was as important to some of you as you now claim it to be, then who exactly is to blame for you being without right now if not you?

Decades I've spent on forums such as these, watching people espouse freedom and individual responsibility, posturing at what an example they are of American values. If shooting is so important to you, as you claim, then why were you not flush with ammunition and components during the previous 3 years? Now, being without during a time when many are without, you want to come here and call people names and goad others to join your cause? The mob is fickle, and even if you succeed in bringing others to your cause and convince people that it was anything other than their own short-sightedness that caused their current predicament... You are all toying with the deepest darkest weapon in the devils arsenal. The empty bottomless pit that awaits those of you that embrace the fallacy that your problems are all the making of someone else. Hollow shells of men are made in this fashion. Men void of obligation, filled with anger and bitterness, to be tortured all of their days at the delight of all the dark forces which consume men's souls.

Shame on you, to come here and belittle men who had the foresight to see what was to happen and devoted their resources to see their needs provided for. Nothing but darkness waits for you on the path you are on. Though you can free yourself of this, any time you choose. Shake the foolishness from your mind, stand upright and resolute in your individual capabilities, and set plans in motion right now. Take possession of your mind and your soul through a decision to blame no one for what you lack but yourself. Harden that resolve with all of your will and set to work to attain what you require.

If you understand nothing I've said, then I truly pity you... because no matter what befalls you, the blame will always lie elsewhere. You will never know happiness. You will be an empty shell of a man that never learned the mechanism to generate your sense of self worth. As such, your value to yourself and others will always be in question... truly leaving you open to attack from all of the darkest things. Take stock of yourself. Start by apologizing to @cboom. Then apologize to yourself and vow to never let yourself down like that again. Become a MAN of men, or die having tried it. You may never hear an encouraging word from anyone else, but at least you could look yourself in the mirror. I'll be here, rooting for you, hoping you'll make better choices. I'll encourage you to keep to the light if you'll encourage me. If you want to rally men to a cause, let it be one that is sure to work goodness.

It's the best offer you'll get today @can1010.
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Those that do not have, always blaming those that have. Vilifying them. Banding together with others to harass, insult, and rip at them with vile claws and mechanisms of deceit. There seems to be no amount of effort some people will not expend, no will power you will not apply, in the vilification of someone that has something you do not. If even 1/100th of that effort were spent accepting responsibility for your own situation and forging a future free from that peril... you would surely never know failure.

If a man does not have the wisdom to learn from the past and chart a way forward for himself and his family that ensures all that is necessary will be provided... then he is not a man at all. You may be able to redirect your shame into anger for a short time, but you will invariably pay the price for being so weak as to offload your burdens onto others. If shooting was as important to some of you as you now claim it to be, then who exactly is to blame for you being without right now if not you?

Decades I've spent on forums such as these, watching people espouse freedom and individual responsibility, posturing at what an example they are of American values. If shooting is so important to you, as you claim, then why were you not flush with ammunition and components during the previous 3 years? Now, being without during a time when many are without, you want to come here and call people names and goad others to join your cause? The mob is fickle, and even if you succeed in bringing others to your cause and convince people that it was anything other than their own short-sightedness that caused their current predicament... You are all toying with the deepest darkest weapon in the devils arsenal. The empty bottomless pit that awaits those of you that embrace the fallacy that your problems are all the making of someone else. Hollow shells of men are made in this fashion. Men void of obligation, filled with anger and bitterness, to be tortured all of their days at the delight of all the dark forces which consume men's souls.

Shame on you, to come here and belittle men who had the foresight to see what was to happen and devoted their resources to see their needs provided for. Nothing but darkness waits for you on the path you are on. Though you can free yourself of this, any time you choose. Shake the foolishness from your mind, stand upright and resolute in your individual capabilities, and set plans in motion right now. Take possession of your mind and your soul through a decision to blame no one for what you lack but yourself. Harden that resolve with all of your will and set to work to attain what you require.

If you understand nothing I've said, then I truly pity you... because no matter what befalls you, the blame will always lie elsewhere. You will never know happiness. You will be an empty shell of a man that never learned the mechanism to generate your sense of self worth. As such, your value to yourself and others will always be in question... truly leaving you open to attack from all of the darkest things. Take stock of yourself. Start by apologizing to @cboom. Then apologize to yourself and vow to never let yourself down like that again. Become a MAN of men, or die having tried it. You may never hear an encouraging word from anyone else, but at least you could look yourself in the mirror. I'll be here, rooting for you, hoping you'll make better choices. I'll encourage you to keep to the light if you'll encourage me. If you want to rally men to a cause, let it be one that is sure to work goodness.

It's the best offer you'll get today @can1010.
I do appreciate the your thoughtful insight into my mind that you have offered, but seeing the some only want to pat themselves on there back and tell others to bad its your own fault for not having what they need. don't worry I have seen your kind my whole life you know the ones with there nose in the air looking down on the little people and laughing. you live in your little world and I will continue to help the new shooters with the supplies I have and can afford to part with free of charge to the less advantaged and fight by speaking my mind on there behalf.
I was prepared for the shortage. Seems like my thumb is just fine 😂
good for you glad your prepared. now what about that 14 or 15 yr old on there first hunt that cant go because there is no ammo or how about the boy scouts that were waiting mouths for there shooting lessons that have nothing but rocks. don't worry all you entitled people that look down on others. myself and others here took care of them and will continue because that is who we are here and not only about ourselves
good for you glad your prepared. now what about that 14 or 15 yr old on there first hunt that cant go because there is no ammo or how about the boy scouts that were waiting mouths for there shooting lessons that have nothing but rocks. don't worry all you entitled people that look down on others. myself and others here took care of them and will continue because that is who we are here and not only about ourselves

I and most people I know would gladly hook a kid up with enough ammo to get him out in the field. Darn good thing many people prepare for these inevitable market cycles so we can help out when needed. Being prepared is the exact opposite of being entitled.
Some can't afford to stock up that much at once. Others of us are new to this and didn't know how long this would take.

Anyway, why can't we get along and all just agree, this sucks? You got a bunch, good for you. You don't got a bunch, well this sucks.
Some can't afford to stock up that much at once. Others of us are new to this and didn't know how long this would take.

Anyway, why can't we get along and all just agree, this sucks? You got a bunch, good for you. You don't got a bunch, well this sucks.

That's a good point. But for a hunting rifle if a guy had a couple boxes of ammo or a few primers and powder he would be set up for hunting for a couple years. If you are new to hunting someone will help you out, if you are in real need of something I'll help you out if I have it. That's not a real big investment. Not going to be able to go out and do a bunch of plinking, but could at least get out hunting.
I and most people I know would gladly hook a kid up with enough ammo to get him out in the field. Darn good thing many people prepare for these inevitable market cycles so we can help out when needed. Being prepared is the exact opposite of being entitled.
glad to hear that, you are not that far from our side. now stop carrying corporate water, accepting excuses, and blaming others for not stocking up. start calling and blowing up there phones demanding better, expecting better and not accepting second best from corporate leaders. we are the customer and the customer is always right
glad to hear that, you are not that far from our side. now stop carrying corporate water, accepting excuses, and blaming others for not stocking up. start calling and blowing up there phones demanding better, expecting better and not accepting second best from corporate leaders. we are the customer and the customer is always right

I didn't mean to come off like a jerk if I did. I just don't feel a private business owes me anything. If they have a product I want at price I'm willing to pay I'll buy it. If I can't find it because of market conditions I blame myself. Now the guys running around buying up every they can find just to sell it at 5 times the price **** me off, but nothing I can do about that.
I'm probably one of the few on here who is okay with the results, but I also spent a lot of time calling out the other liberals I know for crass generalizations or putdowns. Boy I've had some fiiiights with my girl about that. It's just not okay to decide another American you don't even know is no longer your brother or sister just because of their beliefs, history, or genetic makeup. Criminal behavior is one thing to criticize, and setting boundaries with a belligerent person in your life is reasonable, but throwing base insults is another thing that we need to delete from our conversation. Your dad sounds like a champ.
Hope you can say that 4 years from now
glad to hear that, you are not that far from our side. now stop carrying corporate water, accepting excuses, and blaming others for not stocking up. start calling and blowing up there phones demanding better, expecting better and not accepting second best from corporate leaders. we are the customer and the customer is always right.
If one of my customers did that to me or any of my employees, I'd personally buy back any of my product they currently had and end that business relationship effective immediately. If you want to have that much control over what goes on in a company, I'd suggest buying up enough voting shares of the company to make your opinion really matter.

Or, like has already been suggested, open your own competing business. That way you're free to operate outside the overbearing thumb of the greedy corporate fatcats. It's as easy as just building a space, sourcing materials, ordering incredibly specialized equipment, setting up all the licensing and permits to deal in hazardous material, training a crew of workers, establishing a distribution network, establishing work processes, and doing a little marketing. Should be good to go in a couple weeks right?
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