
Buttermilk I apologize for getting your post off track. What is your load plan for the Encore?

I plan to shoot BH209 and some ~200 grain bullets out of it. This one is a 209x45 caliber so we will see what it likes. Right now in the que are 200gr Shockwaves and some Barnes 195gr bullets.
I've considered those bullets. Problem is, my twist rate is only 1:28" so might be a bit too slow for that bullet. Might give them a try anyway.
Try the Fury bullets. New bullets for 1:28 twist rifles are available. Excellent on game.

They have bullets not yet on the web site.

Fury 325gr.jpg

Another new bullet in both 285gr and 325grs:

new fury bullet for 50's 325 and 285.jpg
Buttermilk...some questions for ya...
1) Is that a plastic or fiberglass composite stock?
2) Did you spray the stock with a Adhesion Promoter before spraying the first primer coat?
3) The layer of flat black you are applying over the Red, White, Blue, is it a very thin, almost opaque coat where you can see through it to the Red, White and Blue paint underneath it? Or is it one full coat of flat black, and you are not able to see through to the colors beneath it?
4) When you are applying the coat of flat black that gets removed with the Scotch Pad, at what point are you beginning the removal of the flat black paint? When the black is still a little wet?...when it is tacky? Or when it is completely dried?
5) How many layers of Finsh are you applying over the paint? And is it a Gloss, Matte of Semi?
Thanks! And great looking stock, man!
Buttermilk...some questions for ya...
1) Is that a plastic or fiberglass composite stock? The stock is an older T/C black plastic stock.
2) Did you spray the stock with a Adhesion Promoter before spraying the first primer coat? I only applied a layer of white primer to the black stock. No adhesive promoter. After the white primer, I layer a flat white enamel.
3) The layer of flat black you are applying over the Red, White, Blue, is it a very thin, almost opaque coat where you can see through it to the Red, White and Blue paint underneath it? Or is it one full coat of flat black, and you are not able to see through to the colors beneath it? On this particular stock I attempted to apply a thin coat that was opaque but doing this with a rattle can is near impossible. It was pretty black when I applied the black. I simply used a green scotch brite pad and remove what black I didn't want, until the color showed as I wanted. I should have removed a bit more black to allow a touch more color to show.
4) When you are applying the coat of flat black that gets removed with the Scotch Pad, at what point are you beginning the removal of the flat black paint? When the black is still a little wet?...when it is tacky? Or when it is completely dried? I waited till the black was dry but not fully cured. Dry to the touch but still soft and easily removed. I didn't want to smear wet paint so waiting till dry achieved the effect I wanted.
5) How many layers of Finsh are you applying over the paint? And is it a Gloss, Matte of Semi? This stock only has one layer of clear. It was supposed to be matte, but after it dried it looked pretty glossy so I thought maybe I'd applied it to heavily. A glance at the can label revealed it was not matte but glossy. Sometime in the near future I will go back over it with a matte clear.
Thanks! And great looking stock, man!
Thanks! This stock was actually practice for one of my XP-100 stocks I repainted.

I watched a few YouTube videos before doing mine. Wasn't sure I could do it by using only rattle can paint but I did it. I really thought I would need an air brush for doing the black.
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