
Looks awesome! I have done a few American Flag paint jobs on rifles/stocks too. Mostly in camo colors though. But a couple blue/grey versions too. Have yet to do one in red/white/blue though.
Went thru there the other day headed to Boone. I shoot muzzleloaders with a guy named Richard Desimone who lives in Granite Falls.
I met him through a mutual friend. We went to dinner and a play in Newton this past year. He used to hold the world record at a 1000 yards once.
Back in the '90's I purchased a few of these Aetec scopes for myself and my son. At that time, I was limited on my budget and these were decent for the money. I never had a complaint and they performed well for my use then.

Hopefully this newer version will be the same. I've only got $75 in the scope since it was a replacement for an older handgun scope I purchased used that kicked the bucket.
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