Memorial Day 2023

Amen and Amen to the above posts in regards to our liberators and heroes who served our country! Even the indoctrinated idiots who are taught to hate our country must realize who gave them their rights to be stupid without penalty. May God bless our vets and this great country that I love! Molon Labe!
My wife told me recently she read an article that stated some school districts have/are going to stop teaching/requiring cursive writing, math, and English in our schools. (My handwriting is really bad but thats on me.) Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? What absolute idiot came up with this? Last I checked, this is still the United States of America. We got where we are by knuckling down, percevering, and not caving in to stupid initiatives. This country has a tough time already keeping our kids competitive in the world economy without being hamstrung. This is so very sad. I hate to say this, but I'm glad my mom and dad aren't alive to see this. 😮‍💨🤬
They don't teach history anymore because it might offend woke morons and minorities. Let them tear down statues and burn cities. Thats ok though.They have no clue how this country persevered since the 1700's. The men and women who fought and the ones who died for our freedom so they can trash our country with no consequences. We need to get Trump back in office and retake the Senate and more majority of the House. Weed out the Rinos.
Thank you and God bless all those who have served/died for our great country. I know some will know what Memorial Day means other than a day off or BBQ.
The sad part is that those "WOKE" people probably had family members that fought and died for the freedom's that we all have. AND they don't recognize it.
Jill and I have had family members that fought and died in every war conflict since the Revolution of 1776. we are still the GREATEST Country in the world. Every US Citizen should honor all of our fallen to preserve our liberties.

Bring this back up for 2024!
God Bless America and all those that died for our Freedoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This place sounds awesome. Bigger than the war museum in Dubois, Wy. that opened a couple years ago. I'd love to visit both. Give me another reason to visit my son in Colorado Spings. 550 mi. away.


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