Memorial Day 2023

C-130 Dude

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
My Brothers and Sisters,

On Memorial Day, we honor the sacrifices of fallen service members who put their lives on the line for our nation, for us and for future generations of fellow Americans. These men and women answered the call to serve and defend our country with courage, dedication and selflessness, knowing the risks were great but the cause was greater. This is also a day to recognize and appreciate the veterans who served alongside these courageous souls and offer comfort to the Gold Star Families and friends left behind.

Lest we forget...

We all have heard Taps but the words are powerful as well.

Day is done, gone the sun
From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh

Fading light dims the sight
And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright
From afar, drawing near
Falls the night

Thanks and praise for our days
Neath the sun, neath the stars, neath the sky
As we go, this we know
God is nigh

Next time you hear the bugler, maybe these words will ring through as well.
We all have heard Taps but the words are powerful as well.

Day is done, gone the sun
From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh

Fading light dims the sight
And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright
From afar, drawing near
Falls the night

Thanks and praise for our days
Neath the sun, neath the stars, neath the sky
As we go, this we know
God is nigh

Next time you hear the bugler, maybe these words will ring through as well.
There's more than a few people that don't know where this comes from. Sad.
My dad was WWII combat vet in Pacific Theater as rear gunner/mechanic Dauntless Dive Bomber Ace of Spades squadron. When he passed years ago, I was shocked at the Marine contingent that came to funeral to provide the Honor Guard. Somehow they knew he was WWII vet and the reverence for WWII vet, the honor and the Taps was heart wrenching but beautiful in a way I can never describe. My dad's discharge record was there for Midway and Marshall Island campaigns and the Marines were so reverent discussing the history. The Marines were so respectful and reserved it was my honor to receive them.

IMO, the respect and honor for all those who put themselves in harms way for us is completely lost upon this generation, the media and present Administration.
My dad was WWII combat vet in Pacific Theater as rear gunner/mechanic Dauntless Dive Bomber Ace of Spades squadron. When he passed years ago, I was shocked at the Marine contingent that came to funeral to provide the Honor Guard. Somehow they knew he was WWII vet and the reverence for WWII vet, the honor and the Taps was heart wrenching but beautiful in a way I can never describe. My dad's discharge record was there for Midway and Marshall Island campaigns and the Marines were so reverent discussing the history. The Marines were so respectful and reserved it was my honor to receive them.

IMO, the respect and honor for all those who put themselves in harms way for us is completely lost upon this generation, the media and present Administration.
Semper Fi
My dad was WWII combat vet in Pacific Theater as rear gunner/mechanic Dauntless Dive Bomber Ace of Spades squadron. When he passed years ago, I was shocked at the Marine contingent that came to funeral to provide the Honor Guard. Somehow they knew he was WWII vet and the reverence for WWII vet, the honor and the Taps was heart wrenching but beautiful in a way I can never describe. My dad's discharge record was there for Midway and Marshall Island campaigns and the Marines were so reverent discussing the history. The Marines were so respectful and reserved it was my honor to receive them.

IMO, the respect and honor for all those who put themselves in harms way for us is completely lost upon this generation, the media and present Administration.
Semper Fi!
My wish would be that any person of WOKE thinking would for a second see what has been sacrificed for their freedom. Maybe, just maybe it would make enough of a difference for them to open their minds to other opinions and learn to respect this country…and put a little god back into it.
Amen to this!!