Melonite or Salt nitride barrels


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Wilmington NC
Barrel Nitriding: 11,000 round update

Thought this thread on barrel meloniting, salt nitride etc was rather interesting.

When you look at the round counts of the barrels it makes sense for to do it on the super large capacity LR wildcats many are using.

I have it on two guns and so far so good. Just as advertised. Well worth the $80 and shipping if I get 2-3x barrel life vs a $500-700 rebarrel job.

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I think it is worth a try. The results sound promising.
I have a Krieger that as soon as my 308 95 Palma reamer gets here and I get it chambered it is off to get nitrided. It is for shooting F-TR class. There is a place here in Phoenix that does it. 308's have a long barrel life and hopefully this will last 4 ever.
It is interesting guys here posting about all the "firecracking" in the super hot wildcat barrels that now limits them firing only 1-2 bullets and no one has tried this process for those wildcats.

For $100 you can possibly get 2-3x barrel life out of a $500-700 barrel and rechamber.

I can understand why the gunsmiths would not want to offer it with those guns. :)

I did it on a 300 WSM comp gun and a 338 Lapua AI and no issues so far. Now a lot of the 3 gun AR barrels are coming melonited also. It is slowly spreading.

The bore scope shows no erosion, super easy to clean.

I really REALLY wanted to do this with my 6.5WSM.... got cold feet & chickened out. There is a decent amount of info on that over on the "other" forum :rolleyes:

I've read that the initial cleaning after the treatment can be a bear but that just heresay.

I'm kicking around a 22-243 (I already have one). If I rebarrel, it will get some Melonite.

Anyone Cerakote after meloniting?

CerraKote after treatment is no problem. The cleaning after treatment isn't "hear say" , I take 45 min. to 1 hr. to clean one up before I torque it back onto the action. I was told, by both treaters mentioned, that "barrels that have fire cracking are not the best candidates for treatment". Seems the edges can 'curl' and effect the bullet jacket. Remember, they're 'hard' after treatment and won't 'wear down' quickly, if at all. Many times when they do go away they take a small chunk of barrel with 'um. All I've ever sent for treatment have been new, freshly chambered and fired a few times, bore scoped and cleaned as clean as I can get 'um, before shipping. I'm happy,,, I'll be sending another soon. I've had a 6XC, a 6mm-284, a 6x45, a 300WM, a second 6mm-284, a 5.56mm, and a 6mm Rem. done so far.
Shortgrass, my heresay comment was based on my in ability to confirm whether or not it was true as I don't have one. Hopefully it wasn't taken out of context.

Who are you using for the process? MMI?

I really appreciate your feedback here, it's nice to have some first person observations. Please continue.

Shortgrass, my heresay comment was based on my in ability to confirm whether or not it was true as I don't have one. Hopefully it wasn't taken out of context.

Who are you using for the process? MMI?

I really appreciate your feedback here, it's nice to have some first person observations. Please continue.

I'm using MMI Tru-Tech. Contact Rodney Lanier @ [email protected] If the barrel is bead blasted before treatment it matches Blk. Cerakote very closely. I've not seen it effect accuracy, but, it is extending barrel life. I can 'see' it through my bore scope.
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