Melonite / Nitride services

just talked to Danny at controlled thermal he charged 85.00 for one barrel and that included return shipping. and they do have an ffl so they can do actions if needed
I sent two barrels to CTT early last month. I called, like I always do, before shipping so I had a 'current price' as I always include payment with the barrels. I was told $125, which included return shipping, which is what I wrote the check for. About a week and a half later I got an e-mail from CTT that read. "we didn't find a return shipping label in your package. How are we to return your items?". After a phone call I 'created' a return shipment and e-mailed them the label. As for doing actions, I wanted one done last year and questioned CTT about if they had a FFL, as I hold a FFL and follow the rules and regs religiously. They told me they did not, so I used H&M that time. Best answer, CALL the company that you are considering using instead of relying on interdnet forums. Things change daily in this world, if you haven't noticed.
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