I sent two barrels to CTT early last month. I called, like I always do, before shipping so I had a 'current price' as I always include payment with the barrels. I was told $125, which included return shipping, which is what I wrote the check for. About a week and a half later I got an e-mail from CTT that read. "we didn't find a return shipping label in your package. How are we to return your items?". After a phone call I 'created' a return shipment and e-mailed them the label. As for doing actions, I wanted one done last year and questioned CTT about if they had a FFL, as I hold a FFL and follow the rules and regs religiously. They told me they did not, so I used H&M that time. Best answer, CALL the company that you are considering using instead of relying on interdnet forums. Things change daily in this world, if you haven't noticed.