Meet “Whiteshoes”

No disrespect to those that do this, but I honestly get kind of tired of the hunting shows and people naming the animals that they get on camera like they are humans or pets, and then they just go on to kill them later that fall or the following year.

In this case, it seems that Ol' Whiteshoes is a pet to some degree and she's really good at pumping out the fawns. The "shoes" are so cool. Great story and thanks for sharing. "Long live Whiteshoes!"
Naming is a way to differentiate between the animals. We named our cows as kids. And we ate them one bite at a time. lol
My grandfather had a dairy farm. The dairy cows had names. We would also raise a couple of steers. For meat. We never named the steers. We're you eating the females too?
Yes we ate a dairy cow. She was also a good football kicker. Jut roll the football at her back leg. And she would give it a good whack. Her name was Bossy. We butcher milk cows for farmers. When they break a leg or get old. They become hamburger.
Do you notice a significant difference in the hamburger meat? Taste?
Dairy cows eat pretty good feed most of the time. So as far as hamburger some may have more fat than others. Taste is usually dependent on the cow. Age & feed. Steaks & roast fall under the same thing. Most dairy cows around here are Holsteins. Our cow back in the day was a Guernsey. She was grain fed with grass. She broke her leg. And got wrapped up in the bob wire fence. We didn't waste anything in those days. And a lot of older farmers feel the same these days. So we & they usually butcher. My buddy was raising long horns for a while. And then he started cross breading w/ Holsteins & some Black Angus. They were mostly grass fed. Besides a few chosen calf we would fatten up for butchering. Usually bulls & steers. Some people like just a grass fed beef. Him & I prefer a mix of grain fed & grass. You get a much better tasting meat IMO. And the people South of the border seem to want young bulls to eat. Everyone has their own thing. I personally like a nice red marble with a little fat.
My grandfather had Guernseys. They much better tasting milk (IMHO). Also, much healthier. As my Uncle took over, we switched over to Holsteins. The co-ops wouldn't pay much for milk fat content anymore. They say that approx. 90% of US dairy cows are Holsteins. I like Guernseys. We never ate the dairy cows. We just sent them off to market. Now, I am wondering why.
Also, I agree strongly with the idea that a combination of grass and grain yields much tastier meat. we would put the steers out to pasture, but we would also give them grain. So the story goes, we always just Grassfed beef. We would simply put them out to pasture. Then one year one of them died, and we had to buy a steer from a neighbor who was grain finishing them. They said the difference was amazing. It tasted so much better, that they wouldn't consider going back to just Grassfed anymore. So from then on, we always fed grain. That was long before I was born, so I cannot verify it. But, I have no reason to doubt it.

This is Whiteshoes. She has been on mine and my neighbor's property for I think, going on 5 years now. She has produced 10 fawns in that time and has 2 this year. We've decided that this girl deserves a pass and agreed she's off limits. We want to see how long she stays with us and we are happy to have her here. That said, if she wanders off our properties, all bets are off.

Anyway, I think all of you respect and are thankful for the animals you harvest. In this case, we have decided to extend our respect one step further. Long live Whiteshoes!

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wow its nice to see you and your neighbor can come to an understanding..
am sure its a wonderful sight to see from time to time
I saw a doe the other night that had triplets. Needless to say I look for them to become twins. They just won't learn to stay off the roadways.

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