match in N. Idaho

i know when ken was shooting there was a huge team effort going on, luckily i had a front row view as i scored ken. bill was spotting and calling dopes, jimmy was manipulating the scope and ken was putting a steady squeeze on the trigger. while ken, bill and jimmy were working my side of the firing line brad and another guy were working to make hits.

i had a great time watching the way everyone in that group operated and am hoping to be able to tag along with them some time shooting to be able to gain a little knowledge on the wind reading.
i know when ken was shooting there was a huge team effort going on, luckily i had a front row view as i scored ken. bill was spotting and calling dopes, jimmy was manipulating the scope and ken was putting a steady squeeze on the trigger. while ken, bill and jimmy were working my side of the firing line brad and another guy were working to make hits.

i had a great time watching the way everyone in that group operated and am hoping to be able to tag along with them some time shooting to be able to gain a little knowledge on the wind reading.

Yes!! Congrats to Ken and the awesome team behind him. The spotting and doping skills that Shawn teaches in his class were being used full force and it was definatly working.

Great shooting guys!!

Thanks educ8r! This was a great shoot, and man I wish you could have made it! Caleb had it right. I was spotting/calling for ken, and because his glasses were fouled up, as i was making the calls, my brother in law Jimmy was dialing his turrets. Ken was relaxed and just waiting to hear the words "send it"!! Brad Davis was calling/spotting for me, and I was calling/spotting for Brad. In addition, Brad also called our friend Tim into a second place tie. There were a few ties involved and it was getting late etc, so we just left it like that. Ken ended up winning the match, I finished in a tie for second, and Brad finished in a tie for third.
The targets were small and we had some multi directional/swirling wind to deal with on and off throughout the day that kept the course very challenging. Caleb and his partner did an outstanding job running this shoot, and we are all very excited to do this again.
I was going to shoot my DE light weight long range rifle, but it ended up that Ken and I both shot the DE canyon rifle. Its a little easier to spot your own shots with it. Brad was shooting his DE custom lightweight 338.

Again, there were several guys that shot well and placed in the top few. congratulations to Broz, Tim, and all the other guys as well!

Caleb, We are looking forward to you coming out and shooting with us. I am certain that we will have a good time and all learn from each other. As i said previously, you guys did a great job, and we all cant wait to do it again!

Broz, it was a pleasure shooting with you, and we hope to make it over to one of your shoots. your like an encylopedia and we are anxious to soak up some of your knowledge!

Thanks to Caleb and his awesome crew for this challenge. Also thanks to the great list of sponsors who made this whole thing possible.

It was fun and a challenge at the same time. I learned a bit on where I need to improve, and boosted my confidence in my equipment.

I look forward to trying it out again.

Congrats guys. sounds fun. I would love to do it but my canyon rifle was tied up that weekend.

there will be more. we have a small game match coming the 23rd of june and i am hoping to have one more of the sportsman's challenge match's before the big game season
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