Mass Shootings - Why?

Muddy, I'm going to try and give my opinion without being too Political, hopefully. I'm in the camp of hardening the schools, arming all the adults with the guts for it, and having them train with the school resource officers AND the entry teams. However, I feel like this is the same thing as the old fable of the little boy who plugged the hole in the dike with his finger. This has all happened after some important changes came about in our Country. The Federal Government took over the schools and has been teaching out children Socialism, and wokeness instead of History and Civics. Those children now have children in schools. That, and the breakdown of the core family unit, and their values have been all but wiped out. We all need God in our lives. We need to love and respect others and their property, and most of all we need to learn the history of past mistakes made as a Society and not repeat them. There are too many laws and too many fathers in Prison. They are no longer able to properly pay their debt to Society and return to it. They live a lifetime of crime. This has to stop. There is a long list, but I promised not to be too Political.
@codyadams thank you for providing detail but this issue is at a national level of concern IMO. The Feds use software that specifically targets high risk based upon certain social media postings etc. The software scales the level of threat to certain extent which then determines intervention or not. These people triggered intervention but yet somehow it was decided they were ok? This error in judgement is my concern since these people obviously were flagged by the software at a HIGH level of concern.

My concern is still there is a system in place that identifies terrorist (mass shooter profile no different) etc based upon and yet these people are released. If their actions were severe enough to get attention of FBI then the subsequent action cannot just be "he/she seems fine" and let their surveillance lapse? How were they fine if their actions were identified as significant threat? I know we don't want this type of oversight but in these cases if the threat was enough for intervention to send or pick them up, then frankly, it us useless. Heck if it is this isn't effective on potential shooters, then we don't stand a chance against any terrorism at all.

I feel strongly the breakdown in the system has to be addressed along with the mental health notifications.

Everything else in this thread is spot on but I see there is a MAJOR failure to secure these people BEFORE there is a mass shooting etc.

Those of you that want government to step in and fix the problem... you just truly don't get it.

Everyone screamed bloody murder when they pushed red flag laws, and rightfully so. Now, here you are suggesting people be arrested before a crime has been committed. Which way you want it?

Free men, and I mean actual men, not boys, don't need someone else responsible for their families security. We do that job ourselves. Quit acting like there aren't solutions. People just don't like the solutions because then women wouldn't get to abandon their families to a job while day-care and social media raises their kids.

All I ever hear is complaining about all of this. I say "so, your wife stays home with the kids, you home school, and you move your family to a safer part of the country."


That's about when I say "Ok, fine... stay in your urban hell with your broken family and let your kids/wife get shot/stabbed/raped... just stop talking to me about it. You've made your choices and clearly don't want to change anything."

Thousands of years of civilizations... and no government ever has been able to stop crime... yet some of you think that is going to happen here, now?


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Those of you that want government to step in and fix the problem... you just truly don't get it.

Everyone screamed bloody murder when they pushed red flag laws, and rightfully so. Now, here you are suggesting people be arrested before a crime has been committed. Which way you want it?

Free men, and I mean actual men, not boys, don't need someone else responsible for their families security. We do that job ourselves. Quit acting like there aren't solutions. People just don't like the solutions because then women wouldn't get to abandon their families to a job while day-care and social media raises their kids.

All I ever hear is complaining about all of this. I say "so, your wife stays home with the kids, you home school, and you move your family to a safer part of the country."


That's about when I say "Ok, fine... stay in your urban hell with your broken family and let your kids/wife get shot/stabbed/raped... just stop talking to me about it. You've made your choices and clearly don't want to change anything."

Thousands of years of civilizations... and no government ever has been able to stop crime... yet some of you think that is going to happen here, now?


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The guy that owns Front Sight is really big on this and has written extensively about it. I also believe there is something to it. He has a very compelling arguement that is worth the read. Wish I could remember his name.
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Those of you that want government to step in and fix the problem... you just truly don't get it.

Everyone screamed bloody murder when they pushed red flag laws, and rightfully so. Now, here you are suggesting people be arrested before a crime has been committed. Which way you want it?

Free men, and I mean actual men, not boys, don't need someone else responsible for their families security. We do that job ourselves. Quit acting like there aren't solutions. People just don't like the solutions because then women wouldn't get to abandon their families to a job while day-care and social media raises their kids.

All I ever hear is complaining about all of this. I say "so, your wife stays home with the kids, you home school, and you move your family to a safer part of the country."


That's about when I say "Ok, fine... stay in your urban hell with your broken family and let your kids/wife get shot/stabbed/raped... just stop talking to me about it. You've made your choices and clearly don't want to change anything."

Thousands of years of civilizations... and no government ever has been able to stop crime... yet some of you think that is going to happen here, now?


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Regan was right. Government is the cause of much of this. It would be silly to expect them to fix it. They have gone so far to say the children are theirs to raise and train, not ours. Look at what they are teaching them. We must take this responsibility away from them, and there are a few folks working toward that end, but they must become a crowd too big to fail. The citizenry must take responsibility for this and parents need to get the kids away from screens and put a little time into the project.
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It sounds like the doors weren't locked because people were coming in and out due to accepting awards. Normally they are locked. :(

From the article: "Leti Ruiz, who has a granddaughter who survived the attack, said the school's doors, usually locked, were open on Tuesday. "I think that's why probably the gates were open, because people were coming in and out — parents — for the awards," Ruiz said."
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@codyadams thank you for providing detail but this issue is at a national level of concern IMO. The Feds use software that specifically targets high risk based upon certain social media postings etc. The software scales the level of threat to certain extent which then determines intervention or not.

My concern is still there is a system in place that identifies terrorist (mass shooter profile no different) etc
That's where your post should have ended. The rest of the stuff you typed promotes judging people and arresting them before they commit a crime. That's not how the justice system works. You can't even consider altering that without it affecting the entire system.
removal of God/Jesus from our society. we are a nation built on biblical principles whether you like it or not.
too may single parent households
too many prescription drugs.
social media - nothing good comes from social media. just look on here, you can't even say you like the 6.5 creedmoor without someone coming on here bashing you.

i dont know how to fix it. having an actual leader in the whitehouse would help. but i think there's too much division already and it's too profitable to keep everyone in their own groups and tell them that the other groups hate them.

it really makes me worried for my 3 young kids and the type of country they will grow up in and one day inherit.
I think that everyone should take a step back and not come to conclusions, what was done, what should have been done, placing blame.

The families as well as the rest of the Country are in mourning and the innocent children and teachers have not even had their funerals.

Everyone take a break let at least of few days pass before "Beto O'Roukeing" this tragic incident and before the investigation with the facts come out.

God Bless these innocent children of God the teachers and their families.
News flash, the system to search for terrorist etc has been in place for 30+ years. This is not NEW. I never said arrested or convicted of a crime not committed, but if they could not legally buy a firearm due to their violent posts and threats what then? You can't scream "fire" in a crowded theater under 1st Amendment so if you threaten mass murder in documented media, I have no problem with firearms ban. Will it stop someone who is desperately EVIL? No law can stop evil.

No value of life just seems to be constant factor, whether unborn looked at as an infection, computer games that glorify the horrific bloody conquests, body counts, kids raising themselves since both parents have work (both mine did, no choice) which in todays society increasingly difficult, school administrations do not support teachers, curriculum is whatever, Constitution and basic American History gone. No accountability anywhere.
I think that everyone should take a step back and not come to conclusions, what was done, what should have been done, placing blame.

The families as well as the rest of the Country are in mourning and the innocent children and teachers have not even had their funerals.

Everyone take a break let at least of few days pass before "Beto O'Roukeing" this tragic incident and before the investigation with the facts come out.

God Bless these innocent children of God the teachers and their families.
I understand where you're coming from but I respectfully disagree. I used to work in education and due to school shooting locking school doors has become common place. If the school doors were left open then that's a serious security breech. Furthermore for those who wish to do evil they look for the weak to prey upon. Open, unlocked doors is a chink in the armor.If other schools are doing this during the next few days that opens the door for copy cat shootings.