March Scopes

I watched him shoot 45 rnds. that morining, and his largest 5 shot string was 5 1/4 6mm dasher.He DID a 30 '' windage adjust in between strings.He told me he has to put 10 in for the type shooting he does, he was doing load and seating work.I saw him shoot 2 groups of 5 under 3'', these where different loads and seating. He said he needed to reverify,and the one load was set way out at .007 off. I was just along for the ride. We got started at 4am so he had perfect conditions, which he said is the big issue, for those small bullets. I looked at past targets of his and was amazed at the groups, he had 2 back to back at under 3'', which I guess is what he is looking for. He has not done this in competition, but I PREDICT he will. Since I have seen his program. Very dedicated shooter,and very keen on wind, plus, I saw 7-8 world record plaques on his wall.
I watched him shoot 45 rnds. that morining, and his largest 5 shot string was 5 1/4 6mm dasher.He DID a 30 '' windage adjust in between strings.He told me he has to put 10 in for the type shooting he does, he was doing load and seating work.I saw him shoot 2 groups of 5 under 3'', these where different loads and seating. He said he needed to reverify,and the one load was set way out at .007 off. I was just along for the ride. We got started at 4am so he had perfect conditions, which he said is the big issue, for those small bullets. I looked at past targets of his and was amazed at the groups, he had 2 back to back at under 3'', which I guess is what he is looking for. He has not done this in competition, but I PREDICT he will. Since I have seen his program. Very dedicated shooter,and very keen on wind, plus, I saw 7-8 world record plaques on his wall.

Sounds like the Guy who won nationals a few years back in Byers CO.

I'm betting it's the same guy... cause he shot a 6 dasher and he was from MT.. ;-)
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