Manners EH2


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
N. Michigan
has anyone opened up a manners carbon for a proof sendero light barrel? Manners said they couldn't open it that far but I see other EH stocks with proof barrels.

If so does anyone know a gunsmith that could put my EH2 on a mill and open it?
Can it be done yes, I have seen this done before and its a big mistake! The forend of the EH2 is not wide enough for that large of a barrel and the sides of the barrel channel will be very thin and look terrible in my opinion. But if your dead set on it, then yes it can be done
has anyone opened up a manners carbon for a proof sendero light barrel? Manners said they couldn't open it that far but I see other EH stocks with proof barrels.

If so does anyone know a gunsmith that could put my EH2 on a mill and open it?
I'd talk to someone different at Manners. The Manners tech chart shows a Bartlein #4 can be used in that stock. A Proof Sendero Light is no larger than a Bartlein #4.

But, I have seen an EH-2 inletted for a Bartlein #4 and I think the stock is too small for that size barrel. I'm surprised Manners thinks it isn't.

Not my stock but look how thin the sides are to fit that barrel.....
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