Making a prefit "shouldered"


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
Bradford County, Pennsylvania
This has probably been discussed elsewhere? But I couldn't find it.

I have been messing around with savage rifles for probably 6-7 years now, so extremely comfortable with barrel swaps. Recently bought a Bighorn TL3, which I LOVE!

I'd like to use it as a switch barrel rifle, pretty easily. I also hate spending money on stuff I don't have to... I just like to make my limited funds for "fun stuff" go as far as they can. So here is my question...

I have several prefit barrels I'd like to swap quickly... anybody have experience with some type of fixing the barrel nut to essentially make a shouldered barrel?

I've thought about drilling and tapping the barrel nut, and then essentially a heavy dimple in the barrel. Obviously the concern here would be barrel wall strength...

Seems like I've heard the idea of red loctite. Slightly concerned about locking the barrel and nut and action together?

Any experience with these ideas, or others? Thanks!
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Yes, you get barrel nuts that's have a threaded hole in them, to install a locking set screw once you get proper headspace. This essentially locks the barrel nut in place as a shoulder. Easy peasy guys been doing it on savages for for decades.
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