Making a custom stock

Shortgrass you would be correct about it needing to go deeper. That last picture was from Wednesday and I have since gone back and dropped it down to where the ejection port is flush with the rail and it matches up with the bottom of the holes.
I left it up a little high while I got the trigger assembly dropped in and then moved everythjng down to its final spot. I've made a little more progress than in the pictures so I'll have to try to get the most recent ones up tonight.
Got a little bit further tonight with getting the rear tang area flush. Also tried to create a flute so I can get to the safety without having to move my hand very much. Finally got the trigger to seat properly and nothing it catching. Next I'll have to remove about a 1/4" from the bottom of the stock to allow the trigger to reach through. Once that's done I'll inlet for the magazine and start the pillars and move onto glass bedding. After that's over with I'm home free and will just cut the for end about an inch, round the tip, and add my swivels. Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and am getting anxious. Can't wait to finish it up and get out to shoot it before I head back to school.


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The end is finally in sight! Got the trigger area all sorted out, finished the trigger guard inletting, and drilled out the holes for the pillars. I used a trigger guard from a savage since I had one handy and when I mocked it up it looked like the perfect fit. It doesn't sit flush at the moment but I'll cure that during final sanding. I have also made some minor adjustments behind the safety tang, on the grip, and along the bottom of the fore end. Hopefully through the weekend I can inlet the magazine and bed the rifle. After that I'll just have to finish up the exterior and get to shooting.


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Finished the stock the other day and got it out to the range to shoot. Turned out okay I feel, definitely a few things I may change but learned a lot during the process. Still may change the fore end to a more rounded style and open the barrel channel for more clearance. It is floated from about an inch and a half forward of the action all the way to the tip but it's tight on both sides. After mounting my vortex crossfire ii for a quick trip to the range I found myself disappointed with the groupings so I may relieve some bedding in the area under the barrel in front of the action. I wasn't sure how completely free floating the light weight barrel would be so I bedded about an inch and a half forward from the action thinking I could always remove it later based on shooting. Hopefully that will help bring the groups back down to size or maybe I'll just need more load developing.
All in all I'm happy with the way it turned out and thank you all who answered my questions early on. Starting to plan my next victim but stuck between English walnut or maple on my browning a-bolt or a black walnut stock for my savage 11 stainless and may move on to checkering next as well. Hope everyone enjoyed watching this come together. Any more tips or suggestions are still greatly appreciated as I'm sure I'll continue to tinker with this stock.


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