I have a friend who bought a Labradar and we have used it numerous times, and have had a fair bit of frustration with it. I think that it is also noteworthy that my friend is in an IT specialist, and is really really good with techy stuff. He is also one of those guys who isn't too proud to read the manual, cover to cover, and watch all of the videos and such. When we 'narrow the detection field' (maybe not the right terminology), the radar misses shots, fairly regularly. When we widen the detection range, we pick up many shots from other shooters. Not sure if it has anything to do with the metal range baffles, or the long contiguous concrete shooting benches, or what but it was much more hassle on the 3 occasions that we used it than my magneto. The other issue I have is that I find it difficult to place the Radar in a location where it is close enough to the muzzle to trigger, and still be where I can reach it without the range officer yelling at me for being in front of the line, all while maintaining my normal shooting position on the bench. I think that the technology is amazing, and if it worked for us as described by others, it would be worth it. The magneto V3 has served me flawlessly, and predictably for 18 months now, and I see no need to switch.