Magic Sign to stop trespassers!

We bought an old school. Lake. Our back border fronts an apartment complex. Chain link fence. Kids cut through the fence, walked across out dam. throwing fast food wrappers, using our property as a shortcut.

I put up "No Trespassing," did not even slow them down. "CCTV Cameras," no help, "Dangerous dogs." Zero. I patch the chain link fence. They cut through and kept coming.

'Til I got magic signs and posted them on my side of the fence. Totally silent since! Get on eBay and get some of these.
It might not work for you, but this is a true story. OMG, this is nearly 30 years ago. A buddy and I were scouting a new area. It was a national forest, but we ran into a fence. Of course, there was no GPS like what we have today. Anyway, we followed the fence line to investigate. We found a sign that says, "NUDIST COLONY." We turned around and never went back.
Some people have a great sense of entitlement!
See that all day every day here in Californistine. People move from the city to the Mts and put up fake no hunting signs on public land bordering their land. Just regular a holes that hate hunters. The worst ones are people born here that think housing should be dirt cheap for them because they were born here.
I heard that a human head on a post at a hole in the fence eliminated the problem in the Philippines one time.
The Moro are a tough lot! Maybe 5 feet tall and skinny, but when they get in a frenzy are very tough to kill. Late 1800s when we fought them, we could find an American soldier killed with a sword cut even though the Moro might have six .38 call in his chest for our then service revolver.

So we brought 1897 12Ga pump shotgun and replaced the service revolver with a 1911 ACP.


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Get a Cat dozer in there, get some sand over e'm, nobody wants to smell that every morning. Rather deal with the trespassers every now and then.