Luopold VX-6 disapointment!!!


Jan 30, 2013
I have purchased Leupold VX-6 3x18-50 and mounted on My B-New Sako A7 .300 WSM for long range app...

Heads up

1- CDS didn't work (3 box of Federal Trophy copper 165gr)
2- after 50 round I noticed a piece of dirt at reticle is moving around after each shot!!! It p.. me off, I called Leupold they said send it back to fix it, I said No I spent $1300 plus 6 box of ammo plus mount and shipping to get a faulty Scope!!!No way to keep this Junk... I have one VX2 and VX3 no problem at all... tried to get VX6 4-24x50 it pricy plus Leupold don't make rings for 34mm tube except Mark4 which is $150!!(It seems they moved to China quality wise!!!!)
Story short now checking on Zeiss conquest HD5 5-25x50.

Thanks for any advise
I have always had excellent Luck with Leupold Scopes and their Service , but have not bought any new stuff . I would send it back , but if you're not going to do that , what are you going to do with it ?
I have returned it already, that's why looking for better scope like Zeiss or night force or Burris Eliminator III!!!!
For many years I was a devout Leupold and Stevens purchaser (I have a bunch of older Leupy optics and a couple newer ones) but a couple things soured me on Leupold. Foremost, they are overpriced for value received.

In essence, Leupold begain offering their optics to LEO/Military at a substantial discount over suggested retail. Thats not an issue with me, what is, is the fact that they are still making money on each sale (even with the LEO/Military discount) so that tells me the retail markup is extreme. to stupid.

Secondly is Leupold's reluctance to publically state where the scopes (and other optics) are actually made or assembled, something that makes me curious as well as cautious about purchasing them. I realize they service their products stateside, I've dealt with them before, with good results, but where are the optics assembled or the intrinsic components mande? Thats a crap shoot.

Finally, I don't care for most of their mounting systems. The quality isn't there and they too, are overpriced. I just mounted a VX3 in Leupy mounts for a customer on his Sako Finnlite and the mounts had to have some hand filing (with die files) to remove machining burrs and the ring halves took considerable lapping to get them concentric, the halves were actually so far off, the scope tube would not bottom in the lower front half. I wasn't impressed, especially for the price of admission (which I didn't pay, the customer supplied all the components).

There are so many alternatives out there, and better alternatives at that, I can't see purchasing optics or mounts from Leupold.

Back in the day, Leupold and Stevens was considered the premier supplier of quality optics. I don't see that today.

Maybe I'm anal about product origination, but when you plunk down hard earned dollars on something expensive, I believe you have the right to know.
The question I always ask is this.....What the hell difference WHERE the scope is made at as long as its 100% made correctly? Maybe made in Taiwan by off duty B-girls and if it isnt right THEN shipped to Po-Dunk California or wherever and corrected.

Some just whine their head off when they have a problem....but the fact is they whine about something not even related to their actual problem.

Whine, whine, whine
the vx 6 has taken an obscene amount of time to come on the market I wonder why this was, was there problems making the scopes?? also the recent rash of 34 mm scopes leaves me puzzled, why on earth does 99% of people need a 34mm tube scope?? it only offers at best 20 moa more than a 30mm tube and even that not all brands even give you that much extra. put in perspective this takes my 243 ai from 1600 yard to 1800 yards. big deal who is shooting that far with pretty much anything. the reason I speak strongly about the 34mm tube units is because this seems to be where all the development of new scope features is going in particular with bushnell and leupold. while 30mm scopes are not seeing the new features like zero stops and turret options.
put in perspective this takes my 243 ai from 1600 yard to 1800 yards. big deal who is shooting that far with pretty much anything.

I think the question becomes why do YOU need a 34mm tube. What about folks who are taking 338's, cheytacs, etc out to 2 miles, or me who takes there 22lr out to 500 yds. Its not that noone needs a larger tube, its that you dont need a larger tube (tube diameter effects more than travel, but thats another thread)

On to your issue. I hate leupold products with everything I possess. If I were commenting on them my post would be like sidecar's pretty much word for word, except Ive had horrible luck with their customer service. All that said anything man made can fail. I dont care if you paid 1300, or 8000 for the scope it can happen. To me what throws companies like leupold under the bus is how they deal with issues when they come up.
I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly from Leupold. I broke a set of range finder binos my fault, and said so. They sent me a new pair. Hey great! Until like Sidecar says what's the mark up that they can do this? I've seen it more than once, and what really bites is how do you decide who gets a replacement, and who has to suck it up. Strange company trying to survive a strange world. Go figure, I can't.
The question I always ask is this.....What the hell difference WHERE the scope is made at as long as its 100% made correctly? Maybe made in Taiwan by off duty B-girls and if it isnt right THEN shipped to Po-Dunk California or wherever and corrected.

Some just whine their head off when they have a problem....but the fact is they whine about something not even related to their actual problem.

Whine, whine, whine


I have every brand here, at least the ones I can afford (Not S&

I've got everything from Trashco to Nikon and Leupold too.

My issue with Leupold is their cagey attitude on stating where it's made, like it's a big secret or something and I agree, it matters little (when you put it on the table, or bear it for all to see...) They don't. My other issue is mark-up (real or imagined). I'm in the manufacturing business and I'm acutely aware of percentage of markup as it relates to business profit. When I see Leupold offer their products to a select group at over 40% less than suggested retail, that sends up the red flag for me because I know they are still making a profit, even at the reduced price.

While I don't demean any company for making a profit, IMO, they should be a bit more forthright in their dealings with their customers. If the optics are made by Oriental B Girls, so be it, but state that. Don't be cagey.

On a lesser note, from what I can see, their quality on related parts is slipping (as evidenced) by my having to 'adjust' related parts of a Leupold mount system to get it to fit properly on a customers rifle. I don't consider machining burrs on packaged for retail sale parts acceptable from anyone, not just Leupold. Thats not quality control and certainly not ISO/QS standard procedure....

40 years ago. there weren't that many players in the optics field, now the field is loaded with players, all competing for the consumer dollar so the field has changed and become acutely competitive. Leupold needs to change their business credo, IMO.

No whine here. I buy what I want to, it's still my (fiat) currency.:)

No whine here, it's my money and I spend it as I see fit.

I see the optics business as a big shell game. 3 coconut halves and you guess whats under the coconut half. 2 are empty and one is a 'maybe'.
SFlip or anyone else , there's not much in my area to compare . In Long Range Varmint/Target Scopes ( at least 6-24X) and Mounts , what are the current " Best Bangs for the Buck " out there ? I'm thinking Sightron S-3 is one of them .
SFlip or anyone else , there's not much in my area to compare . In Long Range Varmint/Target Scopes ( at least 6-24X) and Mounts , what are the current " Best Bangs for the Buck " out there ? I'm thinking Sightron S-3 is one of them .

IMO it breaks down to 2 options

Sightron s3
Vortex PST

To me to Vortex wins, but its debatable and if you ask 10 people it will likely end you 5 vs 5. The front focal plane pst is roughly the same price as the second focal plane sightron. IF your comparing like to like the PST is about 200 bucks cheaper
Not being able to put your mitts on the exact item and having to rely on others opinions and then order from some seller far away, poses issues for me too.... (why I can't bring myself to buy Kennetrecks from Len, even though I trust Len and Andy) I can't buy something I can't try on or have in my hands and at least look over, but I have a Cabelas 2 miles away so I go there, and look at what I want (or need) and then go order it from a seller on this site, or Len because Cabelas is stoopid priced for the most part. Going there and fondling what I want is important for me. Probably why I have Meindl's. Cabelas carries them.

If I was inordinately rich (I'm not), I'd buy one of each and offer them for road tests by perspective buyers, to decide.

Too bad there isn't a Hertz rent a scope or rifle or backpack or hunting clothes out there. It's probably a liability issue knowing insurance comnpanies and greedy lawyers.

That would make navigating the optics maze lots easier.
The question I always ask is this.....What the hell difference WHERE the scope is made at as long as its 100% made correctly? Maybe made in Taiwan by off duty B-girls and if it isnt right THEN shipped to Po-Dunk California or wherever and corrected.

Some just whine their head off when they have a problem....but the fact is they whine about something not even related to their actual problem.

Whine, whine, whine

You maybe right!!!If you do not know the damm difference, Why you are reading reviews, Go to Big5 and buy Made in China Leupold Then you will see the differences and where is American made 100% quality!!
Stop whine because I am not that RICH to buy cheap stuff!!!

I support My Country's quality and Labor.(As Long as made it correctly...:rolleyes:)
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