Does Berger Make Jump Irrelevant?

Thanks. I read some other threads written by folks frustrated with the OAL tool. Finally figured out the obvious - you can't treat a plastic tool like a metal tool. I was shoving the bullet way too far in the lands because the give in the plastic was confusing me. So I wound up sizing the neck of the modified cartridge up a touch so there's no resistance. That way I can feel the "touch" better. Also learned to very gently lock it down so the plastic rod doesn't walk on me.

This resulted in 10 readings with 5 thou from each other. I also used a cleaning rod to push the bullet back out, and paid attention to whether the bullet "stuck" in the land a bit much. Disregarded those and got 3 thou consistency.

Much more faith in my readings now. Still keeping 30 thou off the lands, just to be safe.
The video provided by @sjt18 in #46 addressed that. Because I have all the reamers for my last custom build, my GS made me this handy tool ...

.338 Thor gauge 1 of 3.jpg

.338 Thor gauge 2 of 3.jpg

.338 Thor gauge 3 of 3.jpg
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