if you are referring to the lee precision cutter and stud with the interchangeable pilots , like the video below i might suggest you try the Lyman E-ZEE trim as well ,
i think you may find the clamping function not being attached to the drill, a huge difference in ease of use ... plus that sharp corner of the clamp rotating as you have to tighten up every piece of brass.. plus when you loosen it up sometimes the drill chuck come loose instead .. it works no doubt ... but it was such a difference
i ground down the other side to fit in my drill
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Pretty much exactly what I have been doing for 30 years except I just C clamp the trimmer directly to the bench.I bought the Lyman "orange" trimer that has both hand crank and drill attachment shafts at a really good sale price from Midway a few years ago. This is the trimmer that you do not need shell holders to use. You just stick the case in a collet and pull a little leaver and it grabs the base of the case. I wore out one of the cheaper Lyman trimers that I bought the drill attachment shaft to replace the hand crank one that I used for about 25 years.
I mounted my trimmer onto a piece of composite decking board and I can C-clamp this board to my loading bench. I then stack up two of the plastic cartridge trays that come in factory 9mm ammo boxes on top of a piece of 2x4 wood. I place my hand drill on it's side with the handle with trigger facing me on top of the stack and tighten the trimmer shaft end in the chuck of the drill. This stack supports the drill and does not put much if any downward force on the shaft and the plastic of the trays, bottom side up, allows the drill to slide back and forth smoothly. I pull the drill trigger with my thumb and control the drill movement back and forth with no strain on my hand grasping the drill handle.