Look at the size of this...bear

The bear might exist, but the article is late in being shown.

The date for the linked article is February 23 2023. Winter has Yellowstone in its grip. Where is the snow? All bears would be hibernating. The vegetation shown in the video doesn't look like the Yellowstone area either. There were no conifers at all! I believe this bear was somewhere else at a different time.

From article: "However, this bear isn't just gearing up for hibernation, there is a reason it is so large…"
There a few things I didn't think clicked also. The author maked the assumption that the bear is sick. Dont actually know, however...But it is a sight regardless. The end of the article has the video of him crossing thr road. Too much to pass on.
The bear might exist, but the article is late in being shown.

The date for the linked article is February 23 2023. Winter has Yellowstone in its grip. Where is the snow? All bears would be hibernating. The vegetation shown in the video doesn't look like the Yellowstone area either. There were no conifers at all! I believe this bear was somewhere else at a different time.

From article: "However, this bear isn't just gearing up for hibernation, there is a reason it is so large…"
I agree. Maybe he has a thyroid disease. Or a dump bear at a dump where a lot pastries and cakes are dumped ? A bear like that would be easy pickings for a griz in Yellowstone. Just saying ...
If you watch the veido the bear favors his right front leg as he shifts his weight to it. It is possible he was shot by some axx hole poacher on protective land who doesnt respect the rule of law. And its possible artritis as set in around the fractured bone area after he healed enought to get around again. Watch the veido again and pay attention as he drops his weight on his front right paw and leg. thank you for the editing my bad.