Longest .22lr shots

I haven't stretched a .22 THAT far yet, but I have got a first shot kill on gophers out to about 140 yards. Not fantastic, but anything longer and I want to play with my new .223 anyway lol.
wasn't there someone on here awhile back that claimed 1000 yds with his .22lr? If I remember right he held it just where the crosshairs intersect the thicker part of the post on his tasco 3X9. Shootin rocks across the canyon. I am pretty sure it was here. I will try to search for the thread. There was a lot of correspondence needless to say.
Ya I think your right about that one. I wonder if the guy put an extra Zero on his post lol!
I killed a crow on the first shot offhand at around 100 steps with an open sighted 10-22 and probably federal red box ammo. It has been around 20 years ago, but I do remember that I raised up the front sight about one bead worth more and let him have it, down he came!
174 yds (leica 1200 range finder) Coyote running away Browning Buckmark Stainelss Camper bull barrel Augila SSS 60 gr ammo. One shot caught him in the back of the head and dropped him in his tracks. Raised the front sight to the bottom of it level with the top of the rear sight. VERY lucky shot. Went and grabbed the farmer to witness it and see the measuremetns and critter because no one would ever believe me.
Took a loud mouthed Magpie out of a bush out 200 yrds, took two shots to hit him, but he folded like a lawn chair when smacked by the HP round.
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