Longest .22lr shots

After big game season I am going to have to step it up with the .22!
Wlfdg it's the most fun you can have and very pleasureable too. A buddy and myself shot one evening in a field that silage had been cut off and we were hitting rocks in that field far enough to make us "liars". I was shooting a Win 75 and he was shooting a Shul. I hit a dirt clod bout the size of a milk jug twice in a row at $%^&* 550yds. Also I was shooting Win Wildcat ammo in the 75...it likes it too. That's all I'd better say before I'm called a liar.
212yds at a racoon.... it was a stock 10/22, i had my leupold set at 16 power.

I shot 8/10 clay pigeons at 100 yds off hand with a heritage arms 6.5inch barrel single action revolver.

ive dumped a whole lot of rounds in each gun, but who hasnt with theyre 22gun)
How far is your farthest .22lr shots?I shoot out to 200 yards with a plain marlin 780 and can keep 3" groups
Rocked a Steel Egg @ 200m with Winchester Model 52 until I got bored.
Maybe I should have blarney'd me hitting a crow in the eye.....in the next County?:)
Lots and Lots of clays at 300 yds .... very good for wind reading and trigger pull as well as follow- through
by far and away best for reading what the wind does to ya....

remington 541 t one of the funnest and accurate guns I have....
Just got back from the range....400 yds at clays

took the better part of the box to walk it in and then it was just dealing with the wind
nothing puts a smile on your face like popping a clay at 400 yards with a 22 rimfire!!!!!!!!!!
Damnnn...you guys have quite the shot! Farthest I've reached out was 185yds on a 12" paper plate...guess I have to work on my shot :rolleyes:
My CZ452A LH .22LR with a 10x Super Sniper put 10 shots into 4 1/2" at 200 yards using Fed Gold Medal ammo.
Are you calling a preacher a liar?

I do the majority of my shooting with my 10/22. Hitting a p-dog once or twice at over 200+ yards doesn't mean that anyone is claiming they can do it every time. Frankly, I think it's probably easier than making a 1000+ yard shot with a .308, but that's just my opinion. You don't see me crying foul on the guys who can make those long shots, just because I've never made one.
The Preacher, Only the poster knows whether he is lying or not.

The only thing any one with just a little experience with a 22 rifle and a little judgement can be certain about is the fact that this thread is very short of cows and very long on bull. Because of gravity and wind a 22 rimfire is capable of only so much range and so much accuracy. Beyond that the bull creeps in.

and ...... I feel that every hunter should have ethics enough to have reasonable expections of making a clean and humane kill when he pulls the trigger. Any and every animal worthy enough to be used as a target desrves that much respect. That means the gun used should be capable (with enough power and enough inherent accuracy) and the shooter should be capable (with enough experience gained on targets) to have reasonable expectations of making a clean kill when the shot is made on an animal. If we don't do this we as hunters are earning the disrespect and wrath that anti hunters love to dish out on us. Is this asking to much of us as hunters or are we just care free shooters? I don't mean to be dumping on any one in this thread. I have been guilty of shooting at animals beyond my cability and/or the capability of my equipment at times during my younger years so I am not implying that I am any better than anyone else ....but this is something we need to think about, isn't it?
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Alfred it is amazing to me how many deer are shot each year within 100yds and are never found because of a poorly placed shot and with 300mags and such. I used to be jealous of people that could shoot better than I could so I went to practicing and I found that a 22lr was the very thing to help me hone my skills and very soon I was shooting everything as good if not better than the folks I was jealous of. So I guess I'm saying don't be a naysayer till you try shooting a 22lr at long range...you will truly be amazed what you can do with one and now there are competition matches popping up all across the US doing long range matches. Shooting a 22lr at 3-400yds is like shooting a high power rifle at 1000yds. Try it.
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