Long term planning...?

The other problem with planning a hunt that far out is weather. We are in a three year drought here that is effecting the mountains. Extremely dry and crispy and they closed access to some forest for about 6 weeks. The rivers are running dry and they closed irrigation early this year. The only thing saving us is we are getting much needed rain every day for the last week to 10 days. It is not enough to make up for what we have missed but hopefully it will break the drought.

Then you also have to figure in forest fires. What was a great unit last year might have a major fire through it this year. PP's for states is a great idea but don't pinpoint where you want to hunt until you put in for the tag.
I've been looking at calendars....

every school year i have a 4 day weekend in mid October. Looking at the Wyoming Fish and Game website, and using this year's seasons as a reference, it looks like I can plan a deer or hunt for that week/weekend, assuming patterns for seasons are similar year to year. I haven't checked out Elk seasons for that possibility, yet

as of now, I have banked up one personal day, and after this year, assuming I use none, another two, giving me a total of seven days, if I go next year. That's seven days including driving, figure at least 1, probably 2 days driving each way.

question is, is that enough time for me to get in a DIY hunt and have a reasonable shot at success?

I have one PP for deer, and am planning on buying one for elk and antelope
I have been following this thread with interest.
Living in Australia I have done DIY hunts to New Mexico, Missouri and Arkansas. It is a lot of fun to do these hunts and not that expensive.
If I had been required to go on a guided hunt then I would not have gone at all and the US would have missed out on my tourist dollars.

This got me thinking as to why Americans don't head down here on their summer breaks and do DIY hunts here? Head down here in June or July and hunt our winter for Sambar stags.
Only cost an air ticket and hire car and a bit of food. License is over the counter and cheap. Same goes for hunting in NZ, it's the same thing.
This would get you out hunting when all the other blokes are sitting on their computers thinking about it……. LOL.
I have been following this thread with interest.
Living in Australia I have done DIY hunts to New Mexico, Missouri and Arkansas. It is a lot of fun to do these hunts and not that expensive.
If I had been required to go on a guided hunt then I would not have gone at all and the US would have missed out on my tourist dollars.

This got me thinking as to why Americans don't head down here on their summer breaks and do DIY hunts here? Head down here in June or July and hunt our winter for Sambar stags.
Only cost an air ticket and hire car and a bit of food. License is over the counter and cheap. Same goes for hunting in NZ, it's the same thing.
This would get you out hunting when all the other blokes are sitting on their computers thinking about it……. LOL.

a hunt down under is on the list....would love to hunt Australia or NZ.....but i want to do an out of state hunt in this hemisphere first
Been cruising the WYO Fish and Game Website and getting ideas, and made a couple decisions and did some math.

I initially was thinking Elk or Muley, but after a ton of reading and research, I've switched gears, looking at Muley or Antelope for a first hunt. As much as I like the idea of an Elk hunt, Mulies or Antelope have just piqued my interest more for some reason.

Definitely looking DIY, just looks like a ton of fun...that and $600+ for gas and around $330 for a license, I'm thinking doing a DIY could save me some money over a guided hunt.

Depending on how thing shake out, 2014 or 2015 are looking decent for a go at it. I'll have the possibility of 7 days total to work with in 2014, and 9 days in 2015, assuming I take no personal days..

....this is just me thinking out loud, but if anyone has any ideas, please share, this MN school teacher is out of his league looking at these hunt prospects
With the dicision made, the paper work starts. Information is needed, and all types. DIY hunts are rewarding. Look for public lands and walk-in's. Nat'l Forest is good for acsess, but the sage brush hills hold some big deer, just less land in areas. In the NE they open at differant times of the month. Oct 1 then Oct 15.
Figure out the where, so you can fiure out the when.
There's members across the state to give advice in "their neck of the woods."
With the dicision made, the paper work starts. Information is needed, and all types. DIY hunts are rewarding. Look for public lands and walk-in's. Nat'l Forest is good for acsess, but the sage brush hills hold some big deer, just less land in areas. In the NE they open at differant times of the month. Oct 1 then Oct 15.
Figure out the where, so you can fiure out the when.
There's members across the state to give advice in "their neck of the woods."

thanks for the input. right now, with very limited knowledge, I'm thinking NE or central, just a little shorter drive.....going to be printing out the hunt area map on the fish and game website and keep an open mind, see where it leads me.....not even sure where to start as far as figuring things like area. got any suggestions?
been pouring over the hunt region map tonight. Looks like, to fit my scheduling, Region Y might be my best bet for going after a Muley, assuming the season always that second half of October. The break I have is generally right around the opener, being the 17-20 this year, 18-21 last year, and roughly the same weekend in the month every year
Pronghorn, get a PP now. Not much can beat a pronghorn hunt for a first or in your case, fast, hunt out west. Just thinking out loud here...you could fly out there, share a camp and or hunt with whoever and either fly home or drive back with your camp buddies. First order of business is to get the preference point. Us guys on the east side of the Mississippi aren't used to that stuff.
The out west states DNR websites take some time to filter through but that's all just part of the planning. You can absolutely do this and do it next fall. Stay after it.
You're very quickly running out of time to get Wyoming PP.
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Pronghorn, get a PP now. Not much can beat a pronghorn hunt for a first or in your case, fast, hunt out west. Just thinking out loud here...you could fly out there, share a camp and or hunt with whoever and either fly home or drive back with your camp buddies. First order of business is to get the preference point. Us guys on the east side of the Mississippi aren't used to that stuff.
The out west states DNR websites take some time to filter through but that's all just part of the planning. You can absolutely do this and do it next fall. Stay after it.
You're very quickly running out of time to get Wyoming PP.

thanks for thE PP timp, just nought one for antelope, already had one for deer.

starting to look at flying out...airfair is probably cheaper than gas for the truck, would just have to figure out other logistics......

.....dont know anyone near my area who wants to try a hunt, so it looks like a solo for now....

.....starting to do more internet searching for antelope areas, since I'm pretty set on y if i decide on mulies
If you can afford it, do both if yopu have a week or more to hunt. PP have to be bought by the end of SEPT. Appling needs to be first part of 2014.
#102 has goats. It opens same day as deer in REG Y. There is some public land that is acssesable. Check the maps for public, and or walkin areas.
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